But I don't want to lose you pt 1

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This is a story with Bille and Nora
I hope you enjoy this, because I like this storyline
Billie Dean Howard is a 16 year old girl and she has a special talent, she can see and hear the dead, and she lives with her father I a tiny house in the middle of nowhere.

Her dad gets a new job and the can afford to move to a bigger house in big city, and Bille can go to a fancier school.

- Billie darling I have to talk to you. Her dad yells.

- Yeah I'm coming. I reply.

- I have a new job! And we can move to a bigger house in the city, and you can go to a fancier school! Her dad said with an exited voice.

- Whaaat, Really?? No you are lying. I said

- No my love I'm not lying, I'm telling the truth, we are moving!!!! We're moving too LA!!

Nora is a 16 year old girl with blond hair and the most beautiful ocean blue eyes, she lives with her mother, her aunt and her cousin Charles. They all live in a house in LA. The reason Nora's mom and sister live together is because it's cheaper and the are very close to each other. Nora and Charles is not close at all, Nora thinks he is creepy.

Dear diary
Today he was weird as usual, I think he is in love with me and that is disgusting. I hate him, I hate you Charles, if my mom don't listen to me if I tell her I promise you that I will run away and never come back. But I'm not sure if I should tell her, God what do I do?

- Nora dinner is ready!!! My aunt yelled

- Coming!! I yell back

- So how was your day Nora? My mom asked

- It was good, nothing special happened. I said

- Really nothing?? Charles said

- No nothing, can I be excused? I asked my mom

- Yeah Of course. My mom said

Later that night
There was a bright light that went trough my window in my bedroom, I wanted to see what it was so I went there and saw a girl caring boxes.

Billies POW:
- Dad this is too heavy, can you help me? I asked
- Of course, put it there and take this one instead. He said
- Okay thank you! I said

- Can I choose any room? Really? I asked
- Of course, only if you promise me to tell me if you see or hear anything. Okay? He said
- I promise dad, but I don't feel any energy here, but I will tell you! I said
- Good! Dad said

Nora's POW:

- Where are you going? Charles asked
- None of your business creep. I said
- Hey don't call your cousin that. My aunt said
- Well he is a creep. I said
- Ugh. Was all she said

Billies POW:
- Hey! Are you new neighbors? A girl with blond hair said
- Yes we are, I am Harold and this is my daughter Billie Dean, but everyone calls her Bille. My dad said
- I am Nora, I live in that house with my mum and my aunt and her son. Nora said
- I will go in with these boxes. My dad said

- So are you going to start in my school? Nora asked
- That depends what school you are in!
- Yeah right I forgot, I'm in San Marino High School. Nora said
I felt something in my stomach, I think I am happy, because I'm going to that school to, maybe I have a friend now.
- Me too! I said
- No way. She said
5 months later

Nora's POW:
- Mom Billie is coming over in 10 minutes and she is staying the night! I said
- Okay have her dad said that it is okay? Mom said
- Yes, she wouldn't be here if she wasn't allowed too. I said

10 min later
- Hey Bills, how are you? I asked my girlfriend
- Tired. Was all that Billie could say
- Yeah I get that, is it to much in your head? To much voices? I asked
- Yeah the spirits are talking constantly, why can't they just leave me alone. I've told multiple times to leave me but the won't. Billie said almost crying.
I tried to comfort her but she didn't want to be comforted.
- What can I do for you? I asked
- Just kiss me, and tell me that you'll never leave. She said

- I Promise you I will never leave. And the I kissed her

4 months late
Billies POW:
- Nooora, Nooora! I yell
- Nora can you hear me?
- Nora look at me!
- Heeelp!!!!!, we need help, she's been hit by a car. Help!!!!!

My dad comes running to me and Nora, and the  Nora's mom comes, they call the ambulance.

Now the ambulance is here and the take Nora with them, she is still not awake, what if she dies, I can't be here without her. I can't do this without her.

5 hours later
Beeep beeeep beeep beeep beeep
My ringtone wakes me up in the middle of the night.

- Yeah hello. I say
- It is Laura, Nora's mom. She says on the phone
- Is everything alright, is she okay? I asked
- Billie, I need you to listen to me now, very closely, can you do that for me? She said
- Yeah, What is going on? I said with my voice shaking.
- Nora didn't make it, she is dead. I am so sorry. She said crying
- Um can I call you back? I said crying
- Yes honey, call me later! Take care! She said and hung up

- Nooo!!!!!, nooo!!!!. This can't be true! Nooo!
I yelled and I threw my things on the floor, my dad rushed in and saw the mess, he saw I was a mess. He tried to comfort me but I didn't want to comforted, I just wanted to be with Nora

- Nora if you are there, I can't lose you. I said in my head hoping that Nora would answer and come back

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