Chapter 7 - Confusion

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"I, Malik Oen Johnson, denounced my title as alpha" and walked off the pack lands.

Malik's P.O.V

As I walked off the pack lands I heard my pack cry out in howls for me to come back. I would but I would do anything for my mate and if he does not want me there then I will not be there. It hurt so much to think about my mate not trusting me or wanting me around. 

I hope that as I walked I wouldn't find any rouges or lone wolves, and with the government controlling the werewolves it would be unlikely but who knows. I continued walking until I was several miles from the pack lands. Afterwards I looked for shelter, which might be hard because there was not a lot of naturally made shelters for wolves. Its kinda sad, the government goes into the forest and looks for use but most werewolves are so scared of them that they register. So when the government find wolves in the wild they take and almost kill them before returning them. My pack would go around looking for those animal while on petrol.

After a while I found a cave after walking what felt like for ever. The cave was kind of small but it was just me, so it would work. In the back of the cave there was a hole in the wall were water came through. Which meant I didn't have to look for water. The center of the cave was the darkest, so that's were I decided to lay down. The cave's ground was dirt so, I shifted into my wolf  and dug up the ground to make it soft and as comfortable as possible. I then let sleep consume me. 

Zahir's P.O.V

As I watched him leave I wanted to call out to him to come back but he had hurt and I don't think forgive him right now. I had felt such stronger feeling towards that seeing him there with those girls hurt my heart. I closed the door and locked it so I would not run out to him and beg him to stay and apologize even though I didn't do anything wrong. The need to run to him and hug him was so strong but all I wanted to do was cry. I ended up crying myself to sleep well watching t.v . I also skipped dinner to eat tons of junk food that I ended up throwing up. 

When I woke up I had a really a bad headache but I still got ready for school and went. My whole day was slow. Today is Thursday and I didn't see Malik at school nor did I see him on Friday. Maybe he was serious about what he said and was never coming back at all. Maybe i should have let him stay because i don't think i can live with out him. The weekend came and just in case Malik showed up at my house I dressed a little nicer so,  could apologize and we could still maybe go on our date but that didn't happen. The rest of my weekend was spent texting, calling, and missing Malik. 


Its been two weeks since I last saw Malik. His friends look at me weird during lunch and passing periods. I don't know what I did to them but I try to stay away from them. Some times it looks like one of them is going to say something to me but they never did. Over the two weeks I went from thinking he will be back to knowing he was never coming back. I would cry my self to sleep almost every night, my grades were okay but they were slipping and I was trying to get them back up so my dad would be proud of me sadly its a slow process, and my friend Ava tried to get me to talk about it but when that didn't work she stopped talking to me. 

All because of one thing I screwed up my whole life. I wish I could go back and change it but I couldn't do that. So because of the weather lately, school was cancelled and my parents thought that if I took a break for a little then my grades and other things would improve. Which I why i'm now on a plane to go see my aunt. She lived eight hours away, that is why I am flying and not driving over there. I haven't seen my aunt in a while but the last time I saw her she was pretty cool. Also since my school cancelled school today and Friday, I am staying until Sunday evening.  

When I arrived my aunt was waiting for me at the airport with a bright and colorful sign , she then took us to her house. There we set dropped of my stuff, after that she took me to lunch. We went to this really nice place seafood place, we ate tons of food and talked a lot. We talked about random things which felt good. Also to be there with my aunt, was pretty cool she was way funner than last time I saw her. Then she said she wanted to take me to this really good ice cream place and then we would go home and relax, so I said why not.

When we arrived to the ice cream place, I noticed that the store was very bright and colorful, it looked like what kids a dream looked like. We got out of the car and walked in. Upon entering the bell above the door range. The man at the counter quickly turned around and I almost cried right there were I stood. There stood Malik in a soft blue shirt that might be too small for him and a waist apron and jeans underneath but I wasn't sure because the counter cut him off at little after the waist. He look tired and dead but he still tried to smile when he saw us, I could also tell he was surprised to see me.

" Hello how may I help you" he said smiling. I kept stuttering every time I tried to speak so my aunt went first. She got vanilla ice cream with sprinkles on a cone, once I was able to speak I ordered mint and butterscotch with chocolate syrup.  We waited a few minutes after we ordered and then got our ice cream. I told my aunt that i wanted to ask the man something and that I would met her outside I just a second. 

"Malik, it's me Zahir. I'm sorry, please come back home. I'm so sorry please." I said almost crying.  

"I don't know" he said.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2019 ⏰

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