Chapter 2

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Julia's POV

"Yeah baby, I'm in Paris now. Everything went just fine. No the plane didn't crash. I've been doing it for 6 years you know and I'm not dead now am I ? Okay. Yeah. Fine. I'll let you know. Alright baby. Yeah I'm at the hotel with Aly. Alright then. Okay, I'll give you a call in the morning. Yeah me too. Bye", I rolled my eyes and let out a deep breath as I hung up the phone. 

Ben can be really annoying sometimes. Everytime I'm away because of work, he literally harasses me on the phone. I think it's one of the reasons why I accepted to quit my job, I'm kind of tired of this. 

"Damn, girl ! That guy is a fucking psycho ! What the hell are you doing with him ?", Aly exclaimed in a joking manner.

I shrugged my shoulders, laughing a little. 

"No but seriously Lia, I don't think he's the right guy for you", Aly then spoke again. I could tell by the look on her face she wasn't joking anymore. 

"I know you don't. You've told me that like a hundred times already ", I remarked, getting up from the bed I was sitting on and walking to where my suitcase was to unpack it.

"Well, that's because I mean it."

"Come on Aly, you don't even know him."

"Oh I know him enough to know he's not right for you."

"Whatever you say. Now won't you stop ?", I snapped, somewhat pissed by her negative comments and painful insistence. 

"I'm saying that for your own good you know. I didn't mean to make you angry", she threw her hands up in surrender and looked at me innocently.

"I'm not angry, it's just...", I paused, searching for the right words before going on, "Ben sort of...healed me. I can't help but feel thankful for that. Plus, he's a good guy."

"Healed you...", Aly repeated my words, raising an eyebrow as she glanced at me. "From that one guy who broke your heart 10 years ago  right ? Well, you're not exactly what I'd call 'healed'"

A frown appeared on my face.

"You never really talked to me about him anyway. What was he like ? What was his name ? Was he cute ?", she rambled on, becoming a little too excited for my liking.

"Oh it's already 5pm. Maybe we should go walk around and see if we can find a grocery store or something where we can buy food. I'm starving", I stated, ignoring her questions and looking at my watch.

"Don't change the subject. You won't get away with it that easily", she insisted once more, smirking devilishly. "Come on Lia, you know I'm curious. I wanna know more about him, you never told me anything. What did he look like ? He must have been something to have gotten you so infatuate with love."

"Oh shut up !", I threw a pillow at her, causing her to start laughing uncontrollably. "It was many years ago, his memory is a blur now", I lied, desperately willing to change the subject. Time may have passed, I somehow still don't feel comfortable with this topic.

"Fine ! Since you clearly won't tell me, let's go find a grocery store", she got up, finally surrendering. 


"Alright, I think we got everything we need. It's only for tonight anyway, because I don't know about you but I don't plan on spending our days off locked up in a hotel room. We'll go out for lunch and dinner tomorrow", I said, checking all the items in the shopping cart. 

"There's no way we're staying in our room tomorrow", Aly agreed, making her way to the register with me following behind. 

Aly and I had a few days off before our next flight. Well, the last one for me. Anyway, that meant we had three days to enjoy ourselves here in Paris and I was intending to have fun. 

I placed all our stuff on the conveyor belt and we waited in the queue. The woman before us apparently knew the lady at the checkout counter, and the two started chatting, not minding all the people still waiting in line. That's something I find terribly annoying and disrespectful, espacially when I'm exhausted and hungry as hell, but complaining won't make that kind of people hurry so what's the point ?

Anyway, it took the two women a good twenty minutes to finally finish discussing all their crap, but they luckily finally did. Wanting nothing more than go back to the hotel to get some sleep, I hurriedly put everything back into the cart while Aly was paying. I don't really know how, but at some point, my clumsy ass managed to let a pack of biscuits fall to the floor. My favorite biscuits on top of that.

"You've lost something madam", the guy right behind us in the queue kindly informed as he stooped to pick it up for me.

"Thanks", I smiled politely at him, my eyes never actually landing on his face but on the item he had just handed me back.

"No problem", he simply responded.

Wanting to give the stranger one last smile, I instinctly lifted my head and gazed up at him. My breathing became uneasy and my heart literally stopped beating when our eyes met.

His eyes, like two big puddles of melted chocolate with a hint of gold in them. I knew these eyes.

No, it couldn't be...

I blinked a few times, trying to clear my vision and praying for what I was seeing to be only a dream or something of the sort, though I had immediately recognized these big  brown eyes I had gotten lost in so many times and had never been able to forget.

Tom Hanson.

The Former Love Of My Life (Sequel to Undercover Love )Where stories live. Discover now