Jeff the Killer: Special Edition

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Jeff, with his sliced mouth, black, matted hair, and pale, leathery white face wasn't exactly how he was described to act in the story. He had something wrong with his head, yes, but it wasn't insanity, it was retardation. His eyes went separate ways and he was always happy because he simply had mental issues.

Today was a normal day for Jeff. He was sitting in his room playing with his pet pancake and the friend he had made the night before. His pet pancake was only a pancake with google eyes shoved in the front with a small square of butter on top and his name was, well, Pancake. The body of a young boy sat across from him with pancakes shoved in each of the holes of his lifeless body. Jeff sat and played with his toy train as the body sat up against the wall. Jeff's room was like every other average teenage boy's room. His bed was made of dead body's, each having pancakes all over them, with a dead child laying on it as if it was a teddy bear.

"Jeff, time for breakfast!" Jeff's adopted mother yells from the bottom of the steps. Jeff instantly jumps up and runs for the stairs. He runs flailing his arms and his legs. As he gets to the first step he begins to step down then instantly tumbles down the stairs.

"PANCAKES!" Jeff jumps up and yells with his retarded sounding voice, with his hands in the air as he hits the bottom.

"Yes, Jeff. Pancakes." His mom calmly says as she sits at the table beginning to eat her pancakes. Jeff comes and sits at the table in front of his most loved meal. As he eats he's quietly saying "pancakes" repeatedly and spitting pancakes all over his mother and himself because he can't keep the pancakes in his mouth.

"Are you gonna have a good day today, Jeff?" His mom asks happily as any other mother would. As a response Jeff takes a drink of orange juice and spits it on to the lady that provides him pancakes. She doesn't move a muscle and acts as if it didn't happen because it's a normal thing of every morning.

"That's good. Are you enjoying your pancakes?" She asks.

"Pancakes....pan...pancakes" he mumbles still attempting to eat his pancakes.

"It's shower time, Jeff." She tells him. After, spitting his last pancake every where, Jeff gets up from the table quietly laughing to himself and starts up the steps. With every 2 steps he trips and falls, still laughing and gets back up, doing this all the way to the top. As he arrives to the bathroom he opens the shower curtain to see two bottles of syrup labeled "shampoo" and "conditioner" with a stack of pancakes laying on another corner of the tub as if they were sponges. Jeff turns the knobs to start the water, but what's coming out of the shower head isn't water, it's orange juice. Jeff jumps in the shower, still wearing his white hoodie, which is stained lightly with blood and his black dress pants and shoes.

"Paaaaaaaancakesssss! pan pan pan pan pancaaaakes! Pancakes!" Jeff sings as he pours syrup all over his body and begins to scrub with one of the pancakes and taking a bite each time he scrubs a spot. Soaked in orange juice and syrup with pancake crumbs covering him, he jumps out of the shower only to be spotless. He looks in the mirror and slicks his hair back with his syrup hair gel then sucks it off his fingers.

"Yeah, I look good" Jeff says happily before walking back to the stairs falling down them once again and getting back up like nothing happened.

"Are you going out Jeff?" His mom called from the living room.

"Pancakes" Jeff responds before walking out the door to the sidewalk. He walks to a home 4 house's away and climbs in to a window and falls in. Quietly laughing he walks down the hall to a family happily sitting at the table. Holding a knife he walks in quietly from the darkness as if he's going to attack.

"Yay!! Fun times!" He yells jumping out of the dark hall way and stabbing the father of the family. Screaming the family gets up and begins to run around the room.

"Hahaha yay! We're playing tag!" Jeff says as he runs in his special way. He stabs the little boy of the family.

"Haha! You're it!"

"Oh god! Mom!" The son yells for help.

"Oh Jeff" the mother of the boy says as if it was a joke.

"Yay! We're having fun!" Jeff says chasing after the mother stabbing and killing her.

"Pancakes? Pancakes" he says, stuffing pancakes in the bodies of the dead family. Jeff's mother barges in at this moment.

"Jeff! You're not suppose to do that! That hurts people and you're past your curfew!" She yells angrily as if he were just a little child.

"Aw we were just having fun!" Jeff says, pouting.

"Get in the car now, mister!"

"Pancakes" Jeff mumbles as he walks out the door to the car still pouting.

"I am so sorry about this. He can be a real handful sometimes. Here, take this for your troubles." Jeff's mom says placing money on the dead body of the father as if they were alive.

"I'm sorry, again." She says before leaving the house to get into the car with Jeff.

"Pancakes" Jeff says.

"No, Jeff you do not get anymore pancakes today. You've been a bad boy today." The woman says sternly. Jeff yells "PANCAKES," angrily as he stabs the dashboard in front of him.

"Now, Jeff. I think somebody needs to go to sleep."

"Pancakes" Jeff says crossing his arms. When they get back to the house the mother follows Jeff up the stairs as he pouts and trips all the way up. He lays down in his corpse bed cuddling his dead child.

"Pancakes?" Jeff says before his mom exits the room.

"Alright, I'll tell you a bedtime story. Once upon a time, there was a castle where the pancake king stayed and ruled the kingdom. They're were several pancake peasants among the land. Then, one day came a mighty beast by the name of Jeff," she says poking Jeff on the chest, "he came and wiped out the kingdom. He ate every last pancake there and lived happily ever after with a full tummy. The end."

"Pancakes" Jeff whispers with his eyes shut hugging tightly onto his human teddy bear.

"Goodnight, Jeff" his mom says going toward the door, "I'm gonna close the door alright?" She says starting to step out.

"Pancakes!" Jeff says sounding a little scared.

"Oh, alright I'll leave it cracked."

"Mmmm pancakes" he says calming back down. When the mother leaves to get ready for bed Jeff jumps out the window and falls to the ground giving out a retarded scream till he gets to the bottom then, jumps up and runs down the sidewalk laughing. The mother lays down in bed with a smile on her face as she hears screams down the street.

Jeff the Killer: Special EditionWhere stories live. Discover now