February 7

55 4 0

Knock, Knock, Knock

Vel snaps up and jumps out of the bed, momentarily panicking because of the unfamiliarity before she remembers the events of the past few days and sighs in exhaustion. Completely ignoring the fact that all of her tattoos are on view and her jacket is somewhere in the room, she exits and walks to the front door, not noticing the signals she was being given by Candle. “Who is it?” She calls groggily through the door. “Umm, delivery for Vel?”
Vels eyes open significantly wider while she opens the door to reveal a young boy, who instantly flushed red at the foreign-looking girl, standing in front of him with minimal clothing. “I am Vel, do I ne-ne-need to sign for anything?” Vel questions, and finally notices Candles warning whines when she gets the first twitch, signaling an oncoming seizure. “Y-you have to be of age to sign.” He mumbles, “Okay, I will send one of my brothers out, excuse me-” Vel says before dashing off to a random room with snores coming from it, opening the door to reveal Seokjin and Namjoon, sleeping across the room from each other. The fact that Vel is avoiding her problem is making it come on stronger, so she knows she needs to speed up, “Oppas!” She yells and they both snap up, “Can one of you please go sign for my belongings?” She questions cutely, hiding the left side of her body behind the door.
“Yeah.” Namjoon mumbles, climbing out of bed and leaving the room while Jin stares at the struggling girl. “Honey, what’s wrong?” He asks right as Candle lets out a bark and Vel sinks down to a sitting position before completely collapsing and convulsing, shocking Jin who jumps out of his bed and runs, kneeling at her side. “Candle, please don’t bite me, just helping.” He mumbles, rolling Vel onto her side and stroking her hair, hoping that it gives her a little comfort. “What happened? I heard a thum-” Taehyung freezes when he sees his oldest Hyung, holding their new sister as she scarily jerks around. “Tae, please go get Hoseok and tell him to be calm when he comes in,” Jin says quietly as the first-minute passes and Tae quickly runs off. Jin, being the mom, stays educated on all of his group members, so when everyone went to sleep, he stayed up until two hours previous, reading about all of Vels mentioned condition. “Is she okay?” Hoseok asks quietly, walking into the room to see his sister, convulsing on the ground with Jin stroking her hair. “She never said what kind of seizures she had, so with what is happening now, I am surprised she hasn’t lost control of her bladder,” Jin says honestly and Vel, who is still conscious, blushes while her body starts to calm down. “I think it’s done,” Jin adds, rubbing his hand on the girl's arm as she completely gives out onto the ground, panting heavily. “Vel, can you speak?” Hoseok asks and when she doesn’t move, just stares at him, he knows the answer is no. “She might puke, so go get one of the buckets, I will take her to her room,” Jin says and when Hoseok turns to exit the room, he is greeted with the sight of his worst enemy, Myeon, slithering in with a small pouch in his mouth. Myeon ignores the stares and sets the pouch under Vels nose and when it doesn’t work, he nips her pointer finger, making her eyes snap open as she takes a loud, deep breath. “I’m up!” She exclaims and stands, but when she goes to take a step, she falters and falls back to the ground. “Maybe not!” She exclaims, just as enthusiastically before wincing and rubbing her butt. “That was a lot more intense than usual, maybe flying isn’t a good hobby for me,” Vel mutters while the rest of the group gathered in the doorway. “How about you rest a little and wait until after you eat something to do anything.” Jimin suggests and blushes when Vel faces him with a pout that could rival her brothers, “No, I just need help standing and then I will do what I originally planned and make you guys American pancakes for breakfast.” Vel says stubbornly and Jin is quick to sigh and stand and move to help her to her feet. “Do you normally go about your day within the same hour of a seizure?” The oldest asks and she grins, “Only when there is something to be done, which is always.”

“You’re really good at cooking, thank you, Vel.”
The girl gives a big grin while she watches everyone eat their plates of pancakes. “Why aren’t you eating?” Hoseok asks when he realizes that the cook doesn’t have a plate of food. “Well, I actually will puke if I eat anything right now, give me about three hours and I should be fine.” Vel admits before removing her wrist brace and going to the kitchen to start washing dishes, “Hey! Put the dishes down, put the brace back on, and sit down. The one who cooks is not the one who cleans.” Jin almost growls from head of the table when he hears the sink turn on. Vel puts her hands up in a surrender motion, sitting at the extra chair and stiffly sliding the brace back on and not bothering to lace it back up, making Yoongi sigh before he puts down his fork and starts doing it for her. “So, who is your bias of BTS?” Hoseok asks with a smirk and melts when he hears Vels giggle, “I have a sugar glider named Mochi, does that help?” She says and they all look at the twenty-one-year-old Jimin. “Don’t attack because you think I have a crush on him, I just looked up to him, I used videos of him singing to learn how to control my voice because it is so high pitched. I had a crush on Jackson from Got7 for a little while, but that was short lived because it was when I hadn’t looked at ages and thought he was a teenage boy because of how he acted.” I state and Namjoon bursts out laughing about what I said about his friend. “Have you ever dated before?” Jungkook asks and Taehyung smacks him over the head while Vel gives a small nod while starting to speak, “I went on a few dates with Jared and one with Cory, but my longest relationship was with my best friend, we dated for about four or five months, but we realized we were to platonic to be romantic.” Hoseok is quick to hand his sister his unlocked phone that is on Instagram, “Show me a picture.” He demands and she switches to his English keyboard, quickly typing in the name and showing them the one selfie on the page. “Did you pull up the wrong picture?” Her brother asks, seeing an attractive female on the screen with teal hair, making eye contact with his sister, who chuckles. “That’s Jade, she has a really big crush on you, which she realized when we were dating and I got her obsessed with K-pop.” Vel admits calmly while Jungkook starts cheering, “Hoseok is the only fully straight person!” At this, the other males blush while Vels eyes widen, “Wait, so my assumptions about your sexualities were correct?” Vel asks and they nod, as Vel asks her next question, “Are any of you dating someone?”
“You guys don’t have to tell me, but I am going to introduce Hobi Oppa to one of my friends when she visits from America or where ever she is right now,” Vel says with a shrug while the others nod, happy for her non-demanding-of-answer questions. “Well, we all need to get dressed because we have to take you shopping for clothes.” Taehyung says and the girl frowns, “I have plenty of clothes, one outfit for every day of the week and two pairs of night clothes.” Vel whines and Taehyung almost faints. “What brand are your clothes?” He asks nervously and she confusedly shrugs, “All of it is from thrift stores, I don’t really like spending a lot of money of stuff that isn’t really important to me.”
“Well, by the end of today, you will own Gucci, you poor child.” Taehyung declares and runs away. “What should I wear today, though. I don’t exactly know appropriate Korea wear.” Vel says and Jungkook gets up, “I’ll help you, I am the fully gay person in the group, so I have the most fashion sense.” The male maknae declares and Vel smirks, “You sure? I say the floral tourist shirt.” Jungkook freezes, “We don’t talk about that day.” He mumbles and he walks to the giant box, sending her a questioning look that she responds to with a shaking head, “Those are all plants, clothes are in my suitcase.”
“How much do you like these jeans?” Jungkook asks, wanting to know if he can cut them up for her. “I hate stuff I can’t move around in, so I’ve never worn those. The only jeans I wear are super short so there is no restriction on my legs.” She states and watches as Jungkook pulls scissors from his desk and starts cutting the legs off so far up that the pockets are showing. “Do you have fishnets?” he questions with a smirk and within the next twenty minutes, she is looking like a Waveya backup dancer.
“This is not appropriate in any country.” Vel deadpans and Jungkook frowns, “At least see what everyone thinks about it.” the boy requests and she sighs with a nod as he drags her out. “Why is she hiding behind you?” Namjoon asks, everyone else was ready and sitting in the living room. “Show them.” Jungkook says and Vel quietly responds with, “I don’ wanna.” Hoseok glares, “What did you do to my little sister?” he demands and Jungkook grins stepping out of the way and Vel pouts, “I feel illegal.” She mumbles and Jin jumps up, “Stay away from my baby!” He exclaims at Jungkook and runs away with Vel.

After twenty more minutes, Jin walks out grinning with Vel behind him, her hair in a ponytail, black, high waisted shorts, and one of the guys’ blue, turtleneck sweaters. “I win.” Jin states and hugs Vel, who giggles and hugs him back. “SHe iS SO cUTe!” Jimin squeals before focusing in on the sweater. “Who’s sweater is that?” He asks and Jin giggles nervously, “Yoongis’.” He says and said male nods, remembering the fansign he wore it to.
“Let's go!”
“I have to bring Candle.”
“That may damper what stores we can go into.”
“Shut up, you’re famous.”
“Shit, you’re right.”

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