Chapter 4

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I'm still confused by Sammy's actions as I open the door to the closet. There I find another log. Again, it belongs to Sammy. Aside from Uncle Joey, everyone seems to think of Sammy as a cryptic person... well, aside from Susie.

"Every artistic person needs a sanctuary. Joey Drew has his, and I have mine. To enter, you need only know my favourite song.
The violin shudders with a piercing voice.
The drum thunders in triumph.
The piano delicately calls.
The banjo playfully plucks.
Sing my song and my sanctuary will open to you."

I stand there in silence, thinking about the past statements I've listened to.

Sammy keeps interrupting the band's recording session and doesn't leave for hours; probably because of all the people going through his office to leave. Why did Joey have to have that pump in his office? First off, it's hard enough just writing songs, even without the distractions. Second, how am I going to get out of here?

Wait a minute. Sammy has a sanctuary because he needs to get away from the distractions. He goes into the recording booth for hours. He plays this song to open the door to it. This sanctuary must be in the recording booth! All the instruments he's mentioned are still here. That guy I keep seeing must be Sammy! Maybe he has something in his sanctuary to get into his office!

I begin to laugh as I run to the recording studio. I slow down as I remember that my ankle is injured. I quickly play one note of each instrument in the listed order. I wait in expectation, but nothing happens.

"Why didn't it work?"

I go through Sammy's recording, playing the instruments over and over again. Still nothing.

Maybe there's something I missed. I go through the other logs and stop at Norman's. Sammy turns on the projector before playing the instruments. I look up at the projector. Why is there a Bendy cutout leaning there? There was never a cutout there. Where do all these cutouts keep coming from? And why have I never had one?

I dismiss the seemingly paranormal activity going on here and run up to the projector booth. I turn on the projector and quickly observe the Bendy cutouts that somehow scurried downstairs and positioned themselves in front of the chairs in the studio.

I run/limp back into the studio and play the instruments again. I hear the projector click off and a gate opens in one of the walls. I literally squeal with glee and jump up and down like a little girl on christmas morning.

I hop into the hidden sanctuary and stop dead in my tracks. This looks more like a small bedless apartment than a sanctuary. There's a toilet in here with a desk and banjo. Man this guy really needed a break. Did he?

There's the same symbol from the room I passed out in on the floor. Sammy probably wrote this on the wall, but it's a poem that says:

Sing a happy song
Whistle a merry tune
Wait for his arrival
He's coming very soon.

So who is this saviour he keeps talking about? He's an ink figure. He comes from the shadows. He shines in the darkness... It's not Alice... Borisis a dog... Could Sammy be talking about.... Bendy?

I ponder Sammy's supposed entity as I turn a valve. I turn to leave the sanctuary, once again stunned by a Bendy cutout peeking around the corner. Sammy must be responsible for that. I leave the sanctuary and look up to the projector booth. I'm expecting to see those Bendy cutouts, but it's that man from earlier. I can clearly see his mask. As I've guessed, it's a Bendy mask. I'm surprised I didn't notice the man's black skin, almost like it's covered in ink.

He keeps staring at me. Maybe it's because he hasn't seen anyone else these past few decades. I'm so focused on the man that I barely notice more ink creatures rising from the floor.

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