The Proposal

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I knew she was the one. I just had a feeling. A feeling that made me want to spend the rest of my life with her. Angelina Weasley... That sounded pretty good. I paced back and forth along my room. Angelina would be here any moment. I recited the proposal in my head. First I would say "Accio Ring" and with my hand held out mysteriously over the table, the ring would fly into my grasp. Then I would say,"Ange-" Someone had called my name. I looked out the window and there she was,standing elegantly on the cobblestone streets of Diagon Alley. Her hair was in a bun and she was wearing a red sundress with a black vest. Her shoes were black with sparkling rhinestones on the front. I looked down at myself. "George Weasley, this is what you're wearing?" I thought. My black jacket was stiff and a little bit small. And the white shirt underneath had suffered through more than a few stains. I had washed and re-washed it again and again, but if you looked closely enough,red and orange splotches were still visible. Then to complete my look were jeans and boots. I took a deep breath, secured my wand in my jacket pocket and Apparated downstairs next to Angelina. She gave a little jump but didn't yell, like she had multiple times before. "Looking lovely tonight," I said sappily. "And you are looking dashing," she said and brushed my chest with her finger. "Shall we?" She took my arm. "We shall," she replied and we both laughed.We Apparated to The Three Broomsticks and Madam Rosmeretta greeted us. "Table for two eh?"she asked. "Yes please,"Angelina replied. "Right dis way." We followed Madam Rosmeretta to a high table facing the window. Perfect,I thought, for a proposal. The streets of Diagon Alley were illuminated only by the street lamps. "Someone'll be right with ya," Madam Rosmeretta said as she threw two menus on our table. As I picked the menu up, words appeared in fancy letters:"Welcome to The Three Broomsticks. Tonight our specials out: The Chicken Noodle Soup,the Fruit Salad,and the Tuna and Cheese Sandwich. And we suggest you order our Famous Butterbeers. And for dessert,the options are:Chocalate Cupcakes and Ice Cream Sundaes.

"What are you going to get George?" Angelina asked; still starring absent-mindly at her menu. "Ummm..." I hadn't really payed attention to what the words were saying,I was reciting the proposal in my head one last time. "Um.. The soup, I think," I answered hastily. Just then a burly man with a thick black goatee came over to our table. "Mah name's Ontam, what can I get yah?" "I'll have your "famous" Butterbeer,with a fruit salad,please," Angelina answered politely. After muttering into his wand" 1 Butterbeer,1 salad,Ontam grabbed Angelina's menu. "And what can I get for you, hey your Fred Weasley, right. Saw you 'round a couple a times, at Wea-"It's George," I interrupted. "Oh; where's Fred?" "He's dead, thank you," I said gripping the table. "Oh,I'm sor-"I'll have the soup and a Butterbeer," I said and thrust my menu in his hairy hand. "Okay then, they'll be right out." Ontam walked away,muttering into his wand. "George,honey are you okay?" Angelina asked me, gripping my hand. "I'm fine," I said a little too fiercely. She pulled her hand away. "Angelina, I'm sorry-" "It's okay,it's okay George." Angelina glared down at the table. Even though we were in a rocky spot, I decided to propose now, just as planned. I pulled out my wand and mumbled,"Accio ring." I waited a few seconds. Nothing. "George,is your hand okay?" Angelina asked suspiciously. "Yeah,fine, just fell asleep." Quickly, I shook my perfectly awake hand. "Would you excuse me for just one second?" I asked hopefully. "Yeah,sure whatever," Angelina replied. With a "POP" I Apparated back to my flat above Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. Business had been slow since Fred had past. I guess you could say I wasn't as "perky." But I think I had a pretty good excuse to be. Anyway, I checked my room for the source of the problem. "Ah,there it is," I said out loud to no one: The window was shut. I hurried over and opened it; then I Apparated back to "The Three Broomsticks." When I landed, I didn't land on the ground: I landed on Ontam's head! "Oh my goodness,George!" Angelina shrieked from a couple feet below me."Get off me you stinking boy!"Ontam bellowed. Hastily,I jumped from Ontam's head... Right onto Angelina's and my table. I sat down on my butt and skidded down into my chair. "Whew; sorry 'bout that sweetie," I looked into Angelina's dark brown eyes. Ontam cleared his throat. "And I'm so sorry sir." From my seat, I handed Ontam a couple Knutts. Ontam approved by nodding gruffly. Suddenly, Angelina started laughing hysterically. "Oh Georgie, that was soooo funny." Angelina slapped the tables. Tears leaked from her eyes. "That was your best bit yet!" "Haha." I laughed along pretendedly. This is my chance,I thought. I held my hand out over the table and for a second time, mumbled,"Accio ring." A silver object flew into my palm. Angelina became silent immediately as I got down on one knee. "Angelina Josephine Johnson, will you make me the happiest man on Earth, and do me the honor of becoming my wife? Will you marry me?" Angelina started tearing up. She stepped closer to me and said quietly,"Yes, of course Georgie." I slid the ring on her finger and stood up. Then I picked her up and snogged her for a long time. I was going to have a wife!

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