The Wedding Day

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🌸6 Months Later🌸

"Do you mind?" I asked irritably as my assistant tightened the bow tie on my tuxedo. His name was Dedry Durn and he was a Hufflepuff 7th year at Hogwarts. He had nerdy glasses, like Harry's, blond hair down to his mouth and crooked teeth.For the wedding, he was wearing a black suit with a white undershirt and black tie; the suit was obviously a little too big and Dedry had to keep pulling up the cuffs. "It has to look good," Dedry replied. "For Angelina." "Yes,but's it's choking me," I scoffed. "Beauty hurts, George." Dedry got up patted me on the shoulder like an old friend and walked out if the dressing room. I checked myself in the mirror: I looked pretty snazzy. Just then,Ron walked in the room. When Fred and I were little, we had promised each other we would be the best man in each other's wedding. But now, since that promise had to be broken, I had decided to make Ron my best man. Bill, Charlie, and Percy were the other groomsmen. They all were wearing whit long sleeve shirts, black pants,and black vests. Ron's had a little blue carnation in his vest pocket, but the others didn't. Angelina had chosen Ginny as her maid of honor, and Hermione, Alicia,and Katie as her bridesmaids. "Hey mate, how ya doin'?" I asked Ron. "Fine,fine." Ron fumbled with his carnation. "Aw,Ron you've messed it up," I said. I walked over and tried to fix it, but Rob swatted my hand away. "Hey!" I exclaimed. "When did you become Mr. Perfectionist?" Ron asked, clearly annoyed. "Ron, it's my wedding; I'm a little stressed out," I answered. "Clearly," he muttered. "Look!" I yelled. Ron looked up, startled. "I always thought Fred would be here to help me with everything, but now I have to cope with everything on my own and I would appreciate it if you would at least try to help, because so far your a horrendous substitute!" When I said "Fred" Ron's expression softened. "George, I'm sorry mate; I didn't even think about that," he said. "And you know I'll never be Fred." "Yeah, first of all, Fred would be able to make a joke in a situation like this," I mumbled. "I can make a joke!" Ron said defensively. "Kno-"Just stop, please; I'm begging you," I interrupted. His "joke" would probably just make things worse. Ron chuckled and then walked our of the dressing room. He passed Hermione who was sweating a bit. She was wearing a white dress with black swirls on the bottom. "George,5 minutes," she panted. "Why out of breath, Hermione?" I asked curiously. "Big place, have to remind everyone," she replied and then walked out. "5 minutes!"she called. "Okay!" I yelled back. I straightened my bow tie, messed with my hair, and licked my lips, so they weren't chapped when I snogged Angelina. I peered out throught the curtain. I saw my mother and father talking to Hermione; Mother would be escorting me down the aisle and since Angelina's dad had past a couple years ago, Father was escorting Angelina. Then, a little man came Apparated out if thin air and appeared on the ledge above the ground, where Angelina and I would be saying our vows and all that stuff. He must be the officiater, I thought. Angelina had hired him and all I remembered was his name: Hanop Hano. It was very catchy. Everyone got really quiet. I looked around, expecting someone to walk out from somewhere. Then it hit me: The were waiting for me. I took a deep breath, smiled, and stepped out from behind the curtain. My mother started tearing up, but I took her arm anyways. Everyone would stand up for Angelina, but noooooo: I wasn't important enough. When Mother and I got to the ledge, she let go of my arm and went to her seat in the front row. I stepped up onto the ledge, and looked at all the groomsmen and bridesmaids. Ron's carnation had been tampered with and looked odd. Oh well. Suddenly everyone rise from their seats and I looked down the aisle. My eyes met the most beautiful girl in the world. Her long brown hair was flowing gorgeously over her shoulders and she had a veil on top of her head, held in by a white headband with a black butterfly. Her wedding dress was loose and long, and had black petals all over the skirt. The dress was covering up most of her shoes, but by the color if the tips I could tell they were white. I could tell her makeup had smeared just a bit; she had been crying. I prayed that they were happy tears and not "Why did I agree to marrying this lunatic" tears. Someone played piano music from their wand. Angelina and Father walked really slow and it took them what felt like a million hours to get up to the ledge. When she finally did, I graves her hands and looked into her kind eyes. Yes, those had been happy tears. "Do you,Angelina Josephine Johnson, take George Phillip Weasley to be your magically wedded husband?" Hano asked. "I do," Angelina answered sweetly. "And do you, George Phillip Weasley, take Angelina Josephine Johnson to be your magically wedded wife?" "I do," I replied. "I know pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!" I lifted Angelina up and snogged her. The audience clapped. Angelina and George Weasley. It did sound good.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2014 ⏰

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