A Visit to The Burrow

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I let go of Angelina and dropped her on the ground just to hug her again. Then she flexed her fingers and observed her ring. "Where'd ya get it," she asked. "None other than Jewelry Extroadinair," I answered as I puffed my chest up. Jewelry Extroadinair was a muggle shop. Angelina giggled. "What?" My chest deflated. "It's just then your acting all "brave and heroic" when it's just muggles. Muggles aren't dangerous, George." "Yeah,I know I just wanted to impress you," I admitted sheepishly. She kissed me. "You always impress me," she added. I grinned. After I paid Ontam 5 Galleons and 7 Sickles, we left The Three Broomsticks hand in hand.

We Apparated to the Burrow. I noticed how friendly and welcoming it looked for the first time. What a great place to grow up, I thought happily. Boy was I in a good mood! My mother came out from around the corner with her wand at the ready to strike. "Oh it's just you two," she said wiping her forehead with a cloth. Mother had aged quite a bit since The Battle Of Hogwarts; it had been 5 years ago after all. She had about 10 more wrinkles, and her cheeks sagged a bit more. Her red hair was painted with streaks of gray by her ears and her hands were getting bony. She was still healthy, but I had to admit she was getting noticeably older. "So," she said, sitting down out of a chair she had conjured out of thin air."What brings you two lovebirds here?" "Mother!" I said with my teeth clenched together and my cheeks blushing profusely. My fiancée chuckled. After my cheeks restored themselves back to my normal tan complexion, I said plainly," Angelina and I are going to be married." My mother's mouth hung open and then she shrieked with joy. "Oh Georgie!" She came over and embraced me in a good 'ole mama bear hug. "I'm so happy for you!" she exclaimed as I pushed her off my body. "And Angelina." Mother took Angelina's hands. "Welcome to the family." "Thank you Mrs. Weasley," Angelina replied sincerely and the two lasses hugged. "And call me Molly sweetie." As Angelina tried to protest, Mother said sternly,"I insist." That was the final word. We spent a moment or two just staring stupidly at each other and then Mother suddenly gasped. "Arthur must know about this!" She ran around the corner and up the stairs to their bedroom. Just then, Ginny came out from around the corner. "Hey Angie," she said coolly. Her and Angelina had made up nicknames for each other apparently. "Hi Gin," "Angie" replied. "Why are you guys here?" Angelina answered by looking down at her fingers. Ginny's head looked down at Angelina's fingers too. "Ohmygosh, you're getting married?" she exclaimed. And I nodded. Ginny squealed and ran over to hug Angelina. "I'm so happy for you guys!" Ginny said as she backed away from Angelina. "Thanks Gin," I said and smiled at my sister. However, she returned that with a glare. "No, George, that's only for Angelina and me." Luckily, that awkward moment was broken when Dad appeared. Dad had also aged noticeably, his arms were wrinkly, and he had lost a lot of his hair. "Son, congrats!" he said enthusiastically. We hugged, but then Ron came out from behind the stairs. "Hey George, hey Angelina," he said. "Ronald, we're getting married!" Angelina exclaimed. "Don't call me Ronald; I hated it when Hermione did that to me," Ron replied. Angelina's smile faded. "Ron!" I retorted. "Sorry; I mean yay that's brilliant," he said unconvincingly. Then he tramped back up the stairs. "I've been told he has "The emotional range of a teaspoon," so don't worry 'bout it," I told Angelina. We all laughed.

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