Eyes gray as stone

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Toms POV

I woke up at 6:30 am, usual. Got ready for school and tiptoed quietly out of the house to avoid waking up my parents. I definitely did not want to wake up my dad. He usually is strict and rude, on the other hand my mom is nice and basically lets me do whatever. Of course, I have boundaries.

As I walked to the to the bus stop I looked up at the sky. The sun coming up and the stars fading away. It looks so beautiful when it's this early. Everyone else hates waking up early but I, like to wake up early just to see the sky.
'I wonder if my friends see a galaxy in my black voids' I thought. But my thinking session was cut of by my friend, Edd.
"Hey, Tom!"Edd said happily.
"Hey. Edd," I replied back to him.
I love the way Edd looks.
His brunette shabby hair covering his nice,green,glimmering eyes he only showed rarely. His baggy green hoodie,and his drawing skills!
"So, what you wanna do after school? And yes, before you ask, Matt is going to be there."Edd said before I could ask the question he already answered.
"Well first, I need to do my homework before I do anything.And 2, I heard they made a new amusement park,maybe we could go there?"I replied.
"Yeah, that sounds goo-" Edd was cut off
"I'm here!" Our tall friend Matt sang.
Matt is super tall. Like for instance if you put him next to slenderman they would be the same height.
"Good" Edd finished.
"So what are we doing today,guys?"Matt asked.
"Well we might go to the new amusement park, but we might be a hour delayed cause I have to homework."I said.
"Ok." Matt replied"

The bus pulled up and we got on. It was usually loud as ever in this hellhole. This was my least favorite part of my day.
All of a sudden, there was several "ohhs" I wondered what had happened. I turned around to see one of my other friends named Jon, with a bloody nose.
"Holy, fuck! Jon are you okay?" I shot up running towards him.
"Yeah, yeah I'm alright."Jon replied.
"Who did this to you? You look like a got damn car accident" I asked worried.
Jon snickered at that last part.
"The one and only" He said.
I looked up to see the senior we all know best.

No one knows how much I wanted to punch him in the throat for punching my only sophomore friend.
"Ha! That's what you get, dipshit!" Edwardo said. 
"....Fuck off, fuckboy!"I screamed at him. I also wondered how the bus driver didn't hear this.

Tords POV
My parents dropped me off at school when all the busses came. I didn't want to go in this school it looked like someone stepped on it.
"Tord, you ok?" Patyrk asked me.
I see him as my mother and Paul as my father.
"Yea...I'm good"I replied.
"Ok, love you have to go" he was talking to me.
I nodded.
"Bye guys!" I said getting high hopes.
(You already know I got that from panic at the disco.XD)
I ran out and...
Toms POV
I felt something run into me.
I had given Jon to Edd to take him to the nurse.
"Oof! Sorry didn't see you there!" A voice with a think accent said.
"It's ok-
I was cut off by big,gray,beautiful eyes staring at me.

His eyes were gray as stone.

***Yay! First chapter of my (I will call this first I hate my other book.)first book! I hope you liked it. FYI I have school so my book schedule might be rocky but it'll get smooth soon. I also have Istep coming so wish me luck on that stupid ass test that I hate I hope u enjoy


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