Horrible Things

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Tords POV
I walked into class looking at all the students.There was this one specific girl that I made eye contact with.
She had brown hair,face filled with freckles,and a lot of makeup on. Matter a fact there were a lot of boys surrounding her desk.
'Popular kid' i thought.
I remember seeing a little smile plaster across her face when she looked at me.
I waved.
She waved back.
As soon as class started of course, the teacher has to say "Class we have a new student.
I knew who she was talking about.

I got up from my desk, drawing some attention from the other students and went up there.
"Say your name,sweetheart" the teacher whispered to me.
"Hello everyone, my name is Tord Starlence. I am from Norway. Nice to meet you all." I said looking at every single one of the students. I looked at one in particular and saw a disgusted look on his face. 'I knew it.This is going to be punch number one' I thought. If this dude bullies me, chances are that he might have a gang or try to kill me for my sexuality.
I went back to my seat and looked at Tom who was sitting next to me.
"Hey wanna sit by me at lunch?"he asked me. "Sure"I replied.
Biology ended early that day. We had ten minutes before our next class so I went outside to get some fresh air.
As I kept texting my old friend from my old school, I felt a large stabbing jab in my arm.
"Gah! What the faen!"I yelled before passing out.
I woke up in a dark....bathroom?
At this point I did not know where the fuck I was.
I was looking for my bracelet, when I couldn't find it. I was pissed.
"Where the hell is my bracelet?!" I yelled in a motherly tone.
"Looking for this?"a boy and a girl voice said together.
A light flashed in my face.
I fluttered my eyes when I realized it was that boy from earlier and his twin sister. They where like the same except one was a girl and the other a boy.
"Give that back!" I yelled.
"What? Did mommy give to you?" The girl asked in a wimpy tone.
I cleared my throat. "Would you please give that back?" I asked more politely.
I tried moving my legs put they were stuck in their position.
"Or what?" That stupid boy said.
"Would you fucking dipshits give it back?!"I yelled.

Toms POV
I was looking for Tord when I was passing the family bathroom and heard a lot of commotion.
One voice I heard was...

I kicked that door down just to see Tord on the floor looking like he was about to cry.
I saw the two twins I hated the most.

Autumn and Max.
Since I am pretty short as soon as i came in there, those two fuckers started laughing
"Oh shit! Shorty what are you gonna do?" Max said laughing.
"Hmmm, lemme think...uh, KICK YOUR ASS." I said clearly frustrated that my friend was sitting there crying. When I saw why he was crying I was kinda sad too.
They had crushed 5 of the crystals on it. I stood up and and acted like i left.
"Sorry, gayass your boyfriend left you!"Max said.
"He is not my boyfriend!" Tord screeched.
That was when I ran in, kicked Max in the jaw, slid under Autumns arm,and stole the bracelet.
"Oh? What's this?"I asked them sarcastically but being a little funny to make Tord laugh.
Max slapped his sister in disappointment and in frustration.
I ran to pick up Tord, but he was a little to tall and heavy, luckily, there was broken glass on the sink from that broken mirror. I ran over to get it to distract Autumn from the throbbing pain that was about to be on her arm.
I slid under her once more and cut her arm.
"Ow!fuck shorty!" She yelped.

Tords POV
As I was watching Tom do his "act", my legs finally regained their strength.
"Come on Tord, let's get the hell outta here!" Tom said.
I nodded at him.
As I still was sad I stood up looking at the ground.
I was to sad to move anywhere.
"For fucksake!" Tom yelled and yanked my arm causing me to snap back into reality.
We ran to the next class, dried up tear streaks on my face and neck.
"Here." Tom said
He handed me back my bracelet and I thanked him.
"Thanks Tom, your a good friend" I said.
"Why thank you for that compliment, and what's so special about that bracelet?" He asked.
The school bell had already rang,telling us to get to class.
"I'll tell you after this period" I told him.
"Ok, thanks again, Tordy" Tom said a little lovey dovey.
I blushed at that nickname.

*hello guys! I hope u liked this chapter and I had to do a test today and I'm so glad I didn't fail.bye!

-SpinTomTord ❤️

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