A story to tell

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Toms POV
After that incident with Autumn and Max, Tord didn't talk for the rest of the class. He seemed to look more upset almost every time I glanced at him.
I hated seeing him like this,yet again this is also his first day.
(Before I say this I'm sorry about the other chapter I had to end it and didn't get to the point, so this may have some cutting in it.)
After the bell rang, the hallways were flooded.
"So, are you still going to tell me about your bracelet?" I asked him.
"Yea, sure, as long as no one is there with us," he responded.
"Ok" I said.

Tords POV
We finished our little conversation and went to lunch.
I had told Tom that I would tell him about my bracelet, it's probably going to get emotional...
Almost everyone person I told cried either cried their soul out at the traumatizing story, or never gave a fuck, told everyone, and I would get picked on about it.
We walked into the cafeteria, a small brunette with shabby hair all in his face , wearing a green hoodie ran up to Tom and almost knocked him over.
"Tom! Where were you? Me and Matt had to look all over the school to find you!" He said all out of breath.
"Sorry, Edd I was with Tord", Tom told him.
'Ah I see, this is one of Toms friends named Edd' I thought.
"Who the hell is that?" He asked, putting his hand on his left hip.
"Him," Tom said pointing to me.
"Oh, hi Tord my names Edd, nice to meet you", Edd said looking my way, his hair covering his eyes.
"Nice to meet you too,"I replied.
"Well, well, well, who do we have here?" A voice spoke from behind all of us.
Edd leaned over to see behind me, and by jerking his head back, I could tell somethings not right.
"Edwardo," Edd said and looked up at Tom.
"Oh my fucking god, what do you want ya idiot," Tom said sighing.
"Shut up you eyeless freak," Edwardo said to Tom.
"Hey! Don't call him that!" I practically screeched out at him.
"Oh? And who are you? He said, looking at me up and down.
"My name is Tord, I just moved here from nor-"I was punched to the ground by him.
"Oh hell no" Tom said.

Edds POV
I helped Tord of the ground and he looked at me and Edwardo.
"You guys look hella similar" he said to me.
"I know, but I just don't know why," I said.
While we were having our little conversation, high schoolers starting crowding Tom and Edwardo yelling 'fight' over and over again.
"Tord, you might wanna go investigate that,"I said.
Tord looks pretty tall, or at least from my view, cause everyone knows I have to always be the fucking short one, along with Tom.
Damn you, author.
But, as Tord seeped through the clutter of people, every single one of them went bizarre and yelling.

Tords POV
I was soon to be tangled up, but as soon as I thought that I fell into the middle of the circle where Tom and that dipshit was.
Everyone stopped yelling and looked down at me.
I. Stood. As. STILL. As my body could.
I don't know if you know this, but I hate being stared at.
It makes me feel rather....
Tom looked down in curiosity,who new the curiosity could kill Tommo the small, but also mighty high schooler.
(Definitely how I feel about my somewhat old crush who is now just my friend.... okay maybe a little worse than that...)
"Oh fuck"...... he squeaked out of him.
I scrambled to my feet and ran out into the bathroom.
I shut the door behind me as fast as ever.

Toms POV
"Tord! Where are you?!" I yelled.
I was worried about him, when he fell into the middle of the circle, all the noise stopped except for the kids not in the crowd talking to each other.
As I was running down the hall, I heard quite sobs from the bathroom.
"Tord? Are you in here?" I said while opening the door.
"Tom?" He said coming around the corner.
I walked up to him and crouched down and hugged him.
"It's ok, relax Tord," I said.
We separated and he looked me in my eyes.
"Tom, have it ever thought that your eyes look like a galaxy?"He asked me staring into my eyes.
I blushed, not madly,but enough for someone in front of me to see.
"Y-yeah",I stuttered.
"I have to say they are just, a place you can get lost in," Tord said.
I blushed even more.
"Hey what about the bracelet story your supposed to tell me?" I asked while scooting closer to him.
"Okay I'll tell you, but it's kinda a thing that scared me as a child but yea", he said.
"So when I was maybe 1 or 2, but I had nice parents and everything a child could possibly dream in a Disney movie or show. But, I had got a babysitter who looked very nice at first, but as soon as my parents left she started looking around for what? Money or something to steal. Me, being a toddler I had no fucking idea what was happening so I played around and got my favorite stuffed animal, but as soon as I did that I heard a shattered glass from behind me. I turned around in shock to find two robbers behind me, know Tom, put all that together and see what you can get." He said.
"Babysitter...looking around for something to steal...robbers broke in..." I puzzled it all together when I got it.
"That babysitter called back up to make sure you went up there and start crying!" I screeched.
"Bada bing! Bada boom! We got ourselves and winner!" He said enthusiastically.
"But yea she didn't want to deal with lil ol me, even though I had the intelligence of a motherfuking ant!" He screeched.
"But you know what my ass did?" He asked.
"You went up there?" I said, my head now laying on shoulder.
"Yup", Tord replied.
"And as soon as I went up there, they were stealing all our crap!" He said.
"Hold on.... Tord how do you remember this? I asked crawling on his legs and sitting down.
A crimson red was now on his face.
"I-I was a-a-adopted and they d-did research," he answered stuttering.
"Oh makes since", I said.
"But as soon as that happened, parents came home and ran inside due to the broken window, and freaked out," he said now sitting up a little more.
I didn't care and scooted closer to his face and laid down.(you know damn well when you have the free time in school you will sleep on or under anything...just me? Fr? Ok)
"Tom... what in God's name are you doing???" He asked me, now blushing madly.
"Idk, I'm tired of school,"I said.
"Speaking of school, our time is almost up," Tord said.
"Well get to it!"I said now squeezing him.
"Ok, ya little spoiled smol bean,"He said.
"Oh what was that?," I said looking up at him.
"Nothing! Now, my mom scooped me up and put me in a basket, and ran off to put me somewhere safe, but for my dad, he fought them, but lost miserably, and before my mom went back she gave me this; this bracelet," he said as he finished.
"That's so sad Tord, but do you wonder where your mom is now?" I asked.
"Yes, But we have to get back to class," he said.
"Okay", i replied
*long ass time skip*
I waved goodbye to my friends and wandered home.
All of a sudden I got a bing from my phone.
It was from my dad.
Dad: where are you?
Me: just got out of school, why?
Dad: come home now
Me: why?
Dad: just come home!

I wondered what was going on when I saw a smoke cloud.
'Fucking fire!!!' Was my instant thought.
I sprinted home and....
I was right.
My house was ablaze every single crackle I heard was filled with dread if my parents were okay.
"Are you Thomas Moonsten?" A police officer asked me.
"Yes?",I said shaking.
"Well bad news and good news,"He said.
My eyes started to fill with tears.
"Good news, your mom made it,
Bad news, your dad didn't make it,"he said.
"No!"I yelled, tears coming out my eyes and and flooding down my cheeks.
"Tom!" My mom yelled.
She ran up and hugged me, crying too.
I hugged back and cried harder.
"Mom, where are we gonna go now?"I asked.
"I don't know love, but we will find out soon. Maybe a hotel," she said.
But all of a sudden I heard 3 familiar voices.


1512 words! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry that I haven't been on here typing this chapter. I have been dealing with depression and school (fuck it) but I hope you enjoyed!

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