Ch: 8

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For the rest of the day, I avoided Kala just like how she used to run away from me. However, the next day, I wasn't so lucky in avoiding her as she was right outside my door when I had opened it. Just great.... I told myself, she wanted to know what had happened yesterday in the training room, about how I did what I did.

"Spill. Now...." Kala demanded of me.

"Not here," I told Kala as anyone could be listening as my door was wide open. I went over to my dresser and pulled out the Holocron that Master Yoda had given me and hid it in my robe.

"Isn't that a Holo-." Kala started but I interrupted her with an 'shhhh.'

"I'll explain later," I told her. "Master Yoda gave it to me when I told him about a vision." I walked out of my room, with the Holocron hidden in my robe, and preceded to walk to one of the private training rooms that I had asked Master Yoda for today.

"Where are we going...?" Kala asked me.

"Follow me if you want some answers as to what I'm doing," I told Kala. "Or what happened the day before yesterday."

As we were walking down the halls to the training room, I dashed around one of the corners to try and lose Kala as a last ditch effort to not haft to explain myself to her. Luckily, or horribly, she kept on my heels and followed me all the way there.

"You're not getting away from me that easily now," Kala informed me.

"Thought I'd try," I told her as I got out the key for this training room and opened up the door. I let Kala go in first so that I could shut and lock the door as I entered the room. Once inside the room, I had Kala stand off to the side, which she didn't really like.

"Why do I haft to be way over here...?" Kala asked me from the side of the room, quite upset. "And what are we even doing in here to start off with...?"

I ignored her questions, as if she wanted them answered then she could wait, and sat on my knees in the middle of the floor. I set the Holocron down in front of me and reached out with my right hand, as well as the force, to try and unlock the Holocron, which took some time but not as much as it had the first time as I now knew how exactly to open it. Once it was opened, I skimmed through the pages in order to find some more info about Ashlyn. I found a page on the Holocron with multiple pictures, one of Ashlyn and Mizella, along with two other people, a man with dark brown hair and brown eyes, who was holding a baby who looked similar to both Ashlyn and the man. The man was holding the baby but had his arm wrapped around Ashlyn, who looked a bit timid in the photo, and Mizella was standing off to the side of Ashlyn.

Suddenly Kala got behind me and asked, "who is that...?"

At that, I lost my focus and somehow managed to close the Holocron. "A Jedi who lived a couple of thousand years ago. She came to me in a vision, I told Master Yoda and he gave me this Holocron."

"There were only two Jedi in the picture and one looked like a padawan yet they both looked similar in age," Kala had told me.

"Ashlyn and her padawan, Mizella," I told her. "Although, I have no clue who the man or the baby was."

"The man looked pretty close to one of the Jedi, yet he didn't appear to be a Jedi and the baby had the hair and eye color of the man but features of the Jedi the man had his arm around," Kala told me. "Isn't attachment forbidden...?"

"It has been for thousands of years, or so what I've heard since I've been here...." I told her.

"Enough of that now," Kala had told me. "Now, about the other day, the force energy thing...?"

"I learned it from this," I told her. "Or more so her when she came to me in a vision the other day. The day that you became aware that something was going on."

"So that's why you were in a trance the whole day...?" Kala had told me. "Well, almost...."

"Yeah," I told her. "Then yesterday was the first time that I did it on my own, out here."

"Aren't you going to show me something...?" Kala asked me. "Why else are we here then...?"

"I was going to come in here, look at the Holocron for a bit and then meditate," I told her. "As I obviously can't do that anywhere that has a lot of people or is a public place and just about anyone can run into my room, or so they think. Plus my room is the number one spot to look for me if I'm not helping Master Yoda."

"You said you were going to meditate, right...?" Kala asked me. "What exactly happens when you meditate...?"

"I've only had two visions since I found out about Ashlyn," I stated. "So far every time I've meditated, she's been there since I found out about her." I patted my hand against the ground next to me, motioning for Kala to sit down.

"Umm...sure," Kala told me as she came over and sat down across from me.

"Close your eyes and meditate," I told her.

"What are you trying to do...?" Kala asked me. "Maybe I could help you...?"

"You'll see," I told her. "If not, then I guess I'll tell you." At that, Kala rolled her eyes before I closed mine and reached out with the Force.

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