Endless Light

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The day had come... they had been warned... they hadn't believed and now it was happening...A fable which read that five little girls with different drastic events will find an orbit that gives them each an element and will bring them into another dimension to save everyone.

Mage: sorcerer of Fire

The air turned black all around me I felt the heat against my body I finally got the energy to get out of my bed I looked around and saw an enormous amount of fire everywhere. I ran out of my house but I forgot my favorite pink rabbit stuffed animal which was my only friend, I couldn't leave him burning in the house. I ran back into the house and attempted to find him, I looked and eventually found the rabbit in the middle of the dining room I ran to retrieve him I picked him up and started to look at his burned body. I heard a breaking noise from above me, I saw something in front of me, something that was bright red. I touched it and something slammed onto me and everything went dark once again.

Moon: sorcerer of Water

The Car flipped off the road and headed right into an ocean, I held my breath, a number of forces pressed against my chest, water started to fill up the car and suddenly I'm sinking to the bottom of the ocean. I pushed open the car door leaving my father behind me telling myself that he'll make it up as well, I frantically waved my arms to pull myself to the surface. Low on oxygen, I know that I'm losing energy to pull myself up, My eyes start to close but before they fully closed themselves I noticed a vibrant light and with the rest of my energy that I had I pushed myself where the light was and I had a feeling that I should touch it. I touched it and my eyes fully closed.

Eclipse: sorcerer of Earth

The mountain started to rumble while I'm in the middle of a hike, I heard a tumble on the top of the mountain, the people around me started screaming and running down the mountain rapidly. I wondered why they were running away until I looked up and saw a boulder coming directly my way at full speed, realizing that the rumbling was from an earthquake, therefore, making a boulder tumble from the top of the mountain, but as soon as I started to think about the situation I didn't realize that the boulder was extremely close to me and about to crush me. I started to run for my life. I'm almost at ground level when I tripped on a chopped tree trunk, suddenly a green light was beside me I felt the need to grab it, I did and then I felt a huge amount of pressure on top of me and my vision went all white.

Mars: sorcerer of Air

My blue skies traveled downwards against the snow on the hill, wind blowing into my face while I ski downwards towards the end of the hill. All of a sudden I heard a large bang at the top of the hill, I noticed that there was something wrong on the hill. I looked behind me and saw an enormous amount of snow heading towards me and didn't notice the bump that was in front of me. I tumbled forward into a pile of snow and before I knew it the snow covered my body, I was suffocating in between snow and all I saw was white until I saw a light I thought it was a hole that the sun was shining threw I put my arm out and touched the light, My body became numb and I couldn't see anything anymore.

Phoenix: sorcerer of Metal

My mother works at a factory that specializes in explosives, one day she decided to bring me to work with her. She brought me into a safer room that

I could watch her work instead of actually doing the work with her being that her work is dangerous. But something felt off about this explosive, The room that I was in had 360 windows that showed the room which they were working in. As I looked more and more at the bomb I noticed that the bomb had a timer on it. I had to tell them that the explosive was about to go off, So I ran out of the safety room and started banging on their door, After banging on the door I realized that they couldn't hear me since they had headsets on to protect their ears. The timer turned to 0.00 and there was a bang, everything went silent after that. I felt a punch of heat on me and I flew to the other side of the factory into a bunch of boxes, while I was in mid-air I saw something glowing gray and I flew right into it once I hit the boxes. I felt an amount of pressure of my head and my eyes filled up with red and everything disappeared.

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