Chapter 17

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Chapter 17



Axton opens the door to down into the dungeon. Malissa sees him as soon as he got down. She sits at her bed with her back facing the cage door.

Axton walks past her and gets to a bookcase.

Malissa: Coward.

He looks back at her and opens a hidden door behind the bookcase. He goes in and takes a potion.

Axton: I did what I had to.

Malissa: No, You did what made you look stronger. You put me here!

Axton: You put yourself there!

Malissa looks at Axton.

Malissa: What?!

Axton: You're the one who went crazy!

Malissa: I lost my daughters!

Axton: You always looked after the twins but never the last, and then you brought in two random ones!!!

Malissa: Mage and Pheonix are our jewels! And you did nothing to save either of them!

Axton: I couldn't do anything!

Malissa: You could've tried.

Axton: And they're all here now, So it doesn't matter who tried and who didn't.

Malissa: Yes it does, Of course, it does!

Axton: How, that's in the past!?

Malissa: It matters because they'll know who loved them more.

Axton: You don't love them. You not able to love.

Malissa: I loved them more than you have!

Axton: No Shecat can love!

Malissa: No Soyer is powerful. They're cowards and blinded by their own reflection to see that they're worthless.

Axton: What a speech, did you think about it while you were left here in this cage?

Malissa: It was only you who left me. The rest of the Order tried to get me out. But your obsession with power and wealth distracted you from seeing that I was your wife!

Axton: One of my many mistakes. Now if you don't mind I have to do an enchantment to get Eclipse back.

Malissa: I actually do mind!

Axton: I frankly don't care what you mind. Now leave me and our daughters alone, you're a psychopath and a horrible influence.

Malissa: You're never going to control me! They're more my daughters than yours!

Axton leaves. He goes up the stairs. He sees Evan sitting on a bench with a book in his left hand. His right hand is on his face. Axton exhales. He goes to Evan. Evan puts the book down.

Axton: What are you reading?

Evan: I wasn't reading, I was...nevermind it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is making sure Mage is safe.

Axton: Can I see her?...

Evan: Uh...I'm not sure she's...Well, I don't think---

Axton: She hates me because I left her mother.

Evan: Most likely...

Axton sits next to Evan.

Axton: You know, I didn't abandon her.

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