Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


-Cardend's Attic-

Federak and Kiligane are creating a triangle made out of tree salt and spirit powder. Axton opens the door and locks it behind him. Kiligane seals the door with an enchantment.

Axton: I could've done that.

Kiligane: But you didn't, Now let's go we only have little time.

Axton puts the potion into a cauldron and inside was a mixture of venus powder, micro roses and wax sprout. The cauldron starts to overflow with fog.

Federak places an earth stone in the middle and one close to his mouth, using it as a microphone.

Kiligane: What are you doing?

Federak: I need to make a call to her, warning her that it's us.

Federak records a message.

-Black Crystal-

Eclipse looks lifeless. Her chin is leaning on her chest and her hands and legs are still bonded apart from each other. Federak's message pops up. Eclipse looks up instantly.

Federak: Eclipse, This is a transmitted message, I'm calling you from Cardend we've found a way to get you out, we'll be teleporting you. But in order for us to do so, you need to help us. By now you should know that Phoenix and Lucifer aren't the smartest for capturing people, especially people from the Order. They've given you chains that are magic proof. But they're not spirit proof. During the enchantment, you'll see fog go around you, You can't let any potion, stone or other enchantment touch it. If you let another chemical touch it, It will change the spell and most likely kill you.

Eclipse looks at the table filled with potions close to her.

Eclipse: Great!

The message ends.

There's smoke coming from every corner of the dark room. As the room filled up with fog, You can hear Pheonix and Lucifer coming back to the room.

The Fog starts to break away the chains. It gets closer towards the table. Eclipse tries to pull the chains off the wall while the fog breaks it. She hears Phoenix yelling at Lucifer. Pheonix opens the door.

Pheonix: Luci---Lucifer!

Eclipse's chains fall off. She gets up instantly and rushes to the table of potions. she levitates all of them to the ceiling and the fog surrounds her. Lucifer and Pheonix use their powers together and the fog fades away. They go to the middle of the room, Eclipse is gone.

- Cardend-

Cardend and The Black Crystal are at war. Warriors coming from all corners. Bodies on the ground from each Kingdom. The Black Crystal's warriors are starting to come into the castle, all in search of one thing, Mage. Evan and Shepherd are fighting the warriors with enchanted bows. Shepherd is on the left with Moon. Moon is pushing the warriors to the other side of the hall, killing them with water. Evan is on the right fighting all of the warriors who come up with swords. Shepherd kills a warrior with a bow. He puts his sword in the pocket on his back and switches it with the bow and arrows.

Evan gets shot in the arm with an arrow. Evan doesn't flinch and takes a bow and shoots an arrow at the man, The man drops to the ground. Shepherd blocks Moon from an arrow and shoots another to the man coming from behind Evan. Evan gets shot again. Shepherd looks at him. Moon aids Shepherd with three men and women who were fighting Evan. Evan and Shepherd get shot in the back. Moon duplicates the arrows and controls them to hit the two men that shot them.

- Cardend's Attic-

An enchantment explodes in the middle of the triangle. Potions fall off of a bookshelf, breaking once they hit the floor. The ground starts to shake, and the lights turn off and on. It stops and Eclipse is there. Kiligane goes to her. Federak stops the enchantment. Axton stands and looks at Federak. Federak nods. Eclipse hugs Kiligane.

Federak: Now that's done with. We still have another problem to deal with.

Kiligane: Federak.

Federak goes to the door and leaves.

Eclipse: What's wrong with him?

Axton: He still doesn't like the fact that I'm here.

Eclipse: I'm sorry, who are you?

Kiligane: Your step Father, Axton Soyer.

Eclipse: Step- Father?

Kiligane: That's a conversation for another time.

Axton: Let's go kill some people now.

Axton leaves.

Eclipse: Uh Mage much.

Kiligane: I know I can see why she's like that now.

Eclipse: What happened to Mage after the enchantment they made me do?

Kiligane: She got weak and now she's unconscious.

Eclipse: She's going to hate me even more now.

Kiligane: I'll talk to her, but for now we have to protect the Order.

Kiligane goes to leave. Eclipse grabs his arm. He looks back at her.

Eclipse: Why did she have to take me?

Kiligane: Because you're earth, you're the main one who could've enchanted the winter stone. But the good part is that you're here and not dead.

Eclipse: She couldn't kill me.

Kiligane: She could've if she wanted to.

Eclipse: Kiligane, she couldn't do it, because it's against her family's morals.

Kiligane: What are you talking about?...

Eclipse looks at him.

Eclipse: I'm pregnant

Kiligane: Are you serious?

Eclipse: Yes.

Kiligane: Is Shepherd the father?

Eclipse: That's why we got married really quickly.

Kiligane hugs Eclipse and they leave.

They get to Evan, Shepherd and Moon.

Shepherd: Eclipse!

Evan: Go to her I've got your back.

Shepherd goes to her. Evan blocks three arrows going to Shepherd, they shot him in the back. Moon looks at Evan.

Moon: Evan! you're going to die.

Federak uses magic and enchants a dragon made out of fire. The dragon killed the rest of the people. The enchantment stops. A man goes to shoot Evan in the heart. Raffielle runs in front of him and gets shot in the leg. Kiligane kills the last warrior. Evan falls to the ground, lifeless. Kiligane goes to him and checks if he has a pulse.

Kiligane: Federak get the meticals now!

Federak: Axton check on Mage.

Axton opens the golden doors and goes inside.

Axton: Ma--

Axton looks on the bed, Mage is nowhere to be found. And there's a window open.

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