Chapter 25

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Hours have gone by since Diamond left and I started get worried. I've called her countless times and her phone keeps going to voicemail. I sat on the couch and stressfully sighed. There was a knock, more like someone banging on my door. I rushed to open the door and was Taylor standing in front of me frantically looking around. "Please tell me Diamond's here." She said.
"No we got into it and she stormed out, what's wrong?" I said in a panic.
"It's Aniyah, she lost it and went looking for Diamond. We have to find her!" She shouted. I grabbed my keys and my phone and left with Taylor.
"Do you know where she would be or where she would take her?" I asked.
"No, Aniyah was staying with Darius and I she's not from here."
"Fuck!" I exclaimed. She pulled over and parked the car. "Think Taylor, think." She said to herself. She continued to think and rack her brain until she had a eureka moment. "That's it! She's gotta be there!" She exclaimed.
"Where?" I asked anxiously.
"There's an abandoned warehouse by my house that she was always eyeing and talking about. They've gotta be there." She said as she pulled off. We sped to the warehouse and when we arrived, Aniyah's car was parked right by it.

We quickly got out of the car and ran into a door that was cracked open. We heard the sound of someone getting hit. We quietly followed the sound until we saw Aniyah standing over Diamond's lifeless body, she was hitting her upside her head with a gun and she kept repeating "If I can't have you, nobody can."
"Aniyah!" Taylor shouted. Aniyah stopped dead in her tracks and turned around.
"Taylor what are you doing here?"
"We're here to get Diamond." She said taking a step towards her. Aniyah raised the gun and pointed it at Taylor. "You're not taking her away from me, I'm not losing her again." She said with teary eyes.
"Aniyah she's not yours." Taylor said nervously.
While they were going back and forth I called the police, I didn't say anything while they were on the phone but I knew they were listening. After being on the phone for so long they were able to track our location. Taylor and Aniyah were still going at it until Aniyah got fed up. She fired two shots, both of them hit Taylor in the chest. "Taylor!" I yelled as I tried to run to her.
"Don't you move." Aniyah said with the gun now pointed at me. I stood there panting, not knowing what to do. I looked over at Diamond and her face was unrecognizable and to Taylor who was taking her last breath. I began sobbing. "Please don't do this." I said backing away from Aniyah. Just then the police burst into the building. "Freeze! Put your hands where I can see them!" The male officer shouted. Aniyah after as if she didn't hear them and took a step towards me. The officers fired several shots, knocking Aniyah to the ground. I was grazed by a bullet. The officers rushed to Diamond and Taylor and then Aniyah. "We need to get them to the hospital!" A female officer shouted, she then looked up to me and asked if I was okay. I nodded my head as tears rolled down my face.

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