Chapter 30

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It's been a whole week since Melanie told me how she felt and I honestly don't know how to feel about it. The more I think about it, the more these 'visions' or 'flashbacks' pop up in my head and I don't know if they're real or a figment of my imagination. Things between Mel and I haven't been so great either. She still tries to help me and take care of me but the the tension is so thick between us that you could cut it with a knife. Melanie keeps me on a schedule, she said that it would help me gain some of my memory back over time. I hate that things are so tense between us but I couldn't believe what she said to me the other day, there's no way she could love me more than a friend.

I was doing a lot better than I was a week ago and it was time for me to go back to the doctor for an evaluation. Melanie agreed to take me to my appointment but she said that she'd sit in the waiting room while I was being checked out by the doctor. We sat in the waiting room silently as I waited for my name to be called. "Diamond?" A female nurse called out. I got up and walked to the door that she waited for me at. She took me to a treatment room and asked me the typical questions. "Doctor Diggs will be right in to see you." She said before leaving the room. I sat on the uncomfortable treatment bed and scrolled through my social media just then the doctor walked in with a female nurse.
"Hello Diamond how are you feeling today?"
"I'm feeling okay I guess." I said as I fidgeted.
"What's 'okay?' How has the past week been?" He asked as he shined a light in both of my eyes. I contemplated if I wanted to tell him about my 'visions' or flashbacks but I needed to tell someone and who's better to tell than a doctor?
"I've been having uh 'visions' or flashbacks lately. I'm not sure if they're real or if my mind is trying to associate certain moments with situations that never happened." I said truthfully.
"Well I won't be able to tell you if what you're envisioning is real or not because I wasn't there but have you talked to anyone else about them? They may have more insight on what you've been 'seeing' than I would."
"No, you're the first to know."
"I say go home and ask your friend about some of the flashbacks you've been having, she may be able to help you find out what's true and what isn't."
"Other than that, how's your head been feeling?" He asked changing the subject.
"I've had a few mild headaches but nothing that the medicine doesn't help with."
"Are you on a set schedule for each day? That may also help you remember some things."
"Uh yeah, Melanie makes sure I stick to it."
"Very good. Do you need any refills or anything from me?"
"Uh no I'm good actually."
"Alright well Lucy here will get you checked out and then you'll be free to go." He said as he prepared to walk out the door.
"Okay, thanks."
Lucy checked me out and I walked out to the waiting room to see Melanie sitting in the same spot I left her in. She looked up once she realized I was walking towards her. She stood up and we walked out the door and to the car. The drive home was pretty awkward, I wanted to ask her about my flashbacks but I didn't think it was the right time.

We arrived at home and Melanie parked the car.
"Dee?" She said without looking at me.
"I'm sorry." She said looking over at me.
"For what?"
"For trying to force my feelings on you, I should've never done that to you."
She had broken then ice, this was my chance to ask her about my flashbacks.
"It's okay Mel, but can I ask you a question?"
"Yeah, what's up?" She asked looking concerned.
"I uh-I've been having these flashbacks or or 'visions' lately and I was wondering if you could help me . I don't know if they're real or if my mind is just making shit up."
"Yeah of course." She said.

We both got out of the car and walked into the apartment. We both sat on the couch and I explained everything to her, everything that I saw and how it made me feel. She told me that most of my flashbacks were actually flashbacks and that I wasn't imagining them. Knowing that my mind wasn't playing tricks on me put me at ease but it also confused me. If my flashbacks were real, that means that I had or have feelings for her and she wasn't lying.

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