Chapter 1

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Avery was a normal girl, she had friends and the occasional problems in school. She had brunette hair with unforgettable blue eyes which were as bright as the stars, accompanied by a never ending smile. Avery disliked change so wore jeans and the same purple and brown sandals everyday.

After a day at school Avery had a painful headache maybe even a migraine. Avery thought it could of been because she had forgotten her glasses that day, she didn't want to worry her mom ( Andrea) but Avery didn't want to put herself in any type of danger. So Avery rushed home, as soon as she passed the threshold she shouted "Mom I'm home! " her mom instantly replied with "ok honey I'll be down in a minute!" Avery carelessly jumped on the sofa and patiently waited for her mom. Avery's mom was a small women with blonde hair, she had the same striking blue eyes as Avery, and a meaningful smile which Avery had inherited.

A few minutes later Andrea tore down the stairs anticipating the huge hug she was going to give Avery. Andrea threw her hands up and hugged Avery tightly. Seconds later Avery said "Mom I've been having these headaches and they are very painful".
"When did you get this and can you describe the pain" Andrea replied with concern and curiosity "Well... It started to hurt this morning I'm not sure if it's serious but I forgot my glasses this morning if that had anything to do with it and my temples ache I guess" Avery said.
"Don't worry honey I'll book you an appointment to visit the doctors"Andrea replied. Avery was starting to regret mentioning her headaches since she was terrified of doctors, she tried to keep calm but beads of sweat slid down the side of her face and her hands was noticeably shaking, so much so her mom Andrea held her tight and whispered "You have nothing to worry about honey, everything will be ok".

A few hours later Avery got a call from Jo. Jo was Avery's best friend and she was who Avery could moan to endlessly about everything. Avery picked up the phone with a "Hello?"
"Hi it's me Jo I was wondering how you were and how your head was " Jo replied with a worried tone "I'm ok but I'll be going to the doctor tomorrow so I won't see you at school" Avery replied "Oh okay hope you get better see you next week"Jo quickly said and the line ended. Jo was a very tall girl with short, thin ginger hair. She loved to play basketball and happened to be a very fast runner. Even though Avery and Jo were complete opposites they managed to get along very well. Jo was brought up by her dad who happened to be a pilot, she had one brother who was a lot older than her and was currently living in New Zealand with his wife, Jo missed her brother and was yet to visit him. Since Jo's Dad was a pilot Jo had many chances to to travel the world and told Avery all of her stories and even promised that when they were older they could travel the world together, since they both loved to travel and experience new cultures.

After carefully putting her phone down she then got ready for bed, she drank some water and started to walk over to brush her teeth when her mom came in to say "Night see you in the morning"

Avery grinned, her teeth were like crystals, "Night mom, love you". Once she had finished brushing her teeth she hopped into bed, trying not to focus on going to the doctors.

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