Chapter 4

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They took a taxi to the airport "FIRST STOP LONDON" Jo screamed excitedly. The airport seemed very clean, white floors but not very many people, they both queued up to get there bags scanned and their boarding passes.

On the plane Avery found a leaflet of things to do in London some of the things were London Eye ,Cable Car, O2, Covent Garden and st Paul's Cathedral .

After the plane trip they took a cab to the Cable car, as the were lining up Avery looked up at these beautiful flats and saw a small girl with dark brown hair in a ponytail she was smartly dress and wore a grey and red uniform .The girl noticed her staring and waved with a massive grin leading Avery to do so too. Avery was very imaginative and thought of what the girls life could be like living in London, she even thought of a name for her (Gabrielle), when Avery stopped appreciably looking up at the flats she then bought two tickets for a return ride for the cable car , Jo and Avery ran up the stair whilst chanting "this is going to be so fun".

Jo and Avery were squashed between 6 people which meant they couldn't see the view very well but there was one thing that caught there eye and that was the 02, they found it fascinating so Avery said " I'm hungry, they have loads of restaurants at the 02" "sure I've really wanted to go inside the 02 anyway" Jo replied excitedly. After the ride in the Cable Car they ran up to the 02 desperately wanting to see inside. The o2 was very big it even had a cinema and a concert arena! Avery loved the idea, so much so she couldn't stop looking around and focusing on the structure , whilst Jo witnessed one of the most common crimes in England (robbery). How could that man still from a pregnant women, Jo thought, "Avery we need to chase after that man". As Avery and Jo were running Avery said " why are we running " "I saw that man push the lady in the stomach and take her phone from her bag" Jo replied "THIEF STOP" they both screamed, two burley security guards tackled the man who ended up sliding across the floor. Jo was quick to tell the guards what had happened and the guards thanked them and said they would take it from there.

"Wow Avery, we stopped a crime today" Jo said with a huge grin.

After they had had lunch, they both took the cable car back to the other side, they got the royal Victoria train line to Bank and then the Central line to st Pauls so Avery and Jo could visit st Pauls Cathedral. "Are you sure this is interesting" Jo asked "in my leaflet it says it should be fun" Avery replied hopefully. After 259 steps they reached the whisper gallery, the view was fantastic though it was a struggle for Avery to walk up the steps because she wasn't as sporty as Jo was.

"London's Awesome " Jo said "shame we can't stay longer " Avery replied "Where to next?" Jo said excitedly "I've always wanted to go to spain" Avery shouted "LETS SO GO" Jo shouted YAY

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