Problems,problems and more problems.

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Authors note- I'll be doing song of the chapter from now on,unless i forget bc you know,i'm mia lmao,but yeah :)It usually will go with the chapter or be an ariana/justin song :) enjoy!

p.s sorry for the late updates,i know ive been kinda lazy haha,but i'll try and update more often,and i know the last chapter was pretty crappy,but right now im really sick so bare with me xx

Song of the chapter-Best mistake by Ariana Grande.


After dinner,me and Justin had cleaned up and were currently sitting on the couch together watching the titanic for the billionth time-for me,anyway-while Henry and Pattie were having a chat in the kitchen.

I noticed Justin kept on glancing at me every five minutes or so,and to be honest,I was getting really self-concious.What if he could see my scars?What if he was questioning why the hell he was even making an effort to be friends with someone like me-ugly,worhtless and a freak? What if-

"Ariana,"he says quietly,just above a whisper.

"Yeah?"I reply,the same volume in my voice as his.

"You know that you're really pretty?"he whispers.

I look away,smiling.


My smile fades,of course he's lying.I'm ugly,No where near pretty.

"Not really."I shrug one shoulder.

He sighs,"I don't know why you doubt yourself,but you should're just downing yourself for no reason,you are so beautiful,nice,sweet..You are everything,a whole package.I don't see why you can't see it,and why you deny it."He says in a unreadble tone,almost frustrated but at the same time,sad...Upset..

I just shrug again and turn back to the rolling credits down the screen,pretending to read them when really,all I could do was down myself some more.

The only way someone could call me 'beautiful' or 'pretty' is if they're lying or blind.

I'm one of the most ugliest human beings in the world.

He's defiantly lying.

But for some reason,a little tiny voice in the back of my head-in the happy place of my head,which is very small and i haven't heard from in a while-was telling me that he is telling the truth,or what he thinks is the truth anyway.

"I-"I shake my head,no,I wont protest,"Thank you."

He smiles,"See,now don't try and lie,truly accept the fact that I am here,right now,giving you a truthful compliment,and take it."

I nod and he smiles.Then unexpectedly,he stands up and pulls me up with him,grabbing a hold of my hand and dragging me out of the loungeroom and towards the kitchen,dropping my hand before he enters the kitchen.

See,he's embarrsed of me.

"Mom,Henry,do you think it would be ok if me and Ariana go on a little walk?"

 Pattie looks at Henry and he shrugs.

"Sure,be back in an hour."Henry nods.

"Thank you."Justin smiles and grabs a hold of my hand again.We head outside and down the driveway,turning down the street.We stay silence for a while.

"Just so you know,"He begins,staring up at the stars with his beautiful eyes,god damn those eyes,"I did not let go of your hand because I am ashamed of you,Ariana.Simply because I didn't want my mom getting the wrong idea.You see,she comepletely forbids me to date a girl before she has met them to see if they're good,by holding hands in front of her,that would give away,of course,the fact that I like you and have not yet told her,and may or may not be dating you."

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