"You promised forever,"

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Song of the chapter;You're worth it by Cimorelli


Yes,of course I love him.What am I on about?Considering the circumstances,he didn't really have a choice whether or not to join the gang,and I'm sure it wont affect his life drastically,and I'm sure he can remove himself at any time.

"So,when are we going?"Justin says,his knee going up and down impatiently.

"Justin,I'm sure your mom is fine,Austin always buffs and they are only using her to lure you in,everythings gonna be alright."Richard sighs,"We need to make the bomb first,luckily we have all the materials at the house so we don't need to drive to the warehouse,but while Chaz works on the bomb you and Ryan need to drive down to Ricky's place to get the weapons,ok?"

"I'm not leaving Ariana alone,"He says,crossing his arms.

"Then take her,"Richard shrugs.

"To Ricky's?I don't think so,"He refuses,crossing his arms.

"Well it's either that or leave her here,stop wasting time,"Richard snaps,obviously getting impatient.

"Fine,let's go Ariana,"Justin stands up and I do the same.

"Who's Ricky?"I ask quietly,ignoring the pain that walking is causing me,I have more important things to focus on right now.

"He's our weapon supplier,"Ryan answers after a silence in respponse from Justin.

"Oh,"I nod,following the two guys back out to Justins car.

I sit in the back,letting Ryan sit in the passenger seat and,obviously,leaving Justin to drive so they can talk about the plan.

I was scared,really scared.I'm about to go on a,misson?I guess you could call it that,with a gang to go save Justin's mom who has been kidnapped by my crazy ex-boyfriend who kills people for living right after I got out of hospital in which I was in for being in a coma after getting hit by a car which was being driven the same crazy ex-boyfriend,ironic isn't it.

And what,I'm just gonna sit in the car with the doors locked,holding a gun and hoping for the best while my boyfriend and his newly joined gang attack my crazy ex-boyfriend to get his mom back and probably have a shoot off with them?Great,fan-fucking-tastic.

"Justin,I can't just sit in the car-"

"Yes you can,and you will,"He interrupts me.


The car stops in a driveway and he turns around to me,"Ariana,I'm not putting you in danger,you've been through enough the past few weeks and I'm not letting anything else happen,you're lucky I'm even letting you come.Now please shut up and let me get my mom back,"He snaps harshly.

I feel myself flinch and Ryan looks at him in surprise.I feel like he just punched me in the face,but it's ok,I get it,he's under pressure.

He gets out of the car and slams the door,causing me to flinch again.

"Don't worry Ariana,he's just freaking out.I suggest you stay in the car,for Justin's sake and also for yours,Ricky isn't the type of person you'd wanna be around.."Ryan says,opening his car door while his gaze still lingers on me,making me feel comfortable.

I swallow down the questions that my curious mind has brewed up and give a small nod.

He takes that as a cue and finally removes his gaze from me and gets out of the car,shutting the door and following Justin's footsteps.

I sit in silence for a about 5 minutes untill I see Justin walk out of the house with two large black bags in each hand,Ryan walked behind him with another smaller bag.

My demons{Jariana/Justin and ariana}Where stories live. Discover now