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Hey guys :) hope you enjoy this chapter xx

Song of the chapter:All that matters-Justin Bieber


Later that night I called Justin and we talked until god-knows what time.The last thing I remember was him telling me about how he was excited to go to school with me,and then nothing.I guess I fell asleep on him.

When I woke up,I sent him an apology text message about me falling asleep on him but he hasn't answered yet.

It's currently 10:34am and I was sitting on the couch scrolling through my twitter feed.

Suddenly an alert pops up onto the screen,indicating a text message.

I press 'View' and smile at who it was from,Justin.

I scan my eyes over the text message.

(J=Justin A=Ariana)

J-No problem,it was kinda cute ;)
J-nm,wanna hang out?
J-if you're not busy..
A-When am I ever busy? lol,yeah sure :)
J-true.Nah just kidding.When should I pick you up?
A-I'm ready whenever.
J-ok meet me out the front in 5,just getting changed x

I roll my eyes at his jokes and go back onto twitter,not bothering to do anything with my current appearance as I'm already dressed.I was wearing light denim skinny jeans,a white tank top with a thin black and white patterned cardigan and black flats.My hair was in a messy bun on top of my head and I had little makeup on,but I didn't mind,I felt like I could be myself around Justin.

I closed twitter,stood up and walked across the hard wood floor,the clicking of my shoes echoing inside of the almost empty house.Henry left for work already,of course. I walked out into the cool-ish air and sat on one of the lounge chairs sitting on my front patio,waiting for Justin to step out of his house.

Almost as soon as I sat down,the door to his house opened and out walked Justin.I stood up and walked out onto the sidewalk,meeting Justin halfway.

"Hey,"I smiled.

"Hi,you look nice today."He complimented.

I roll my eyes,"I'm wearing jeans and a shirt Justin,"I laugh.

He shrugs,"You look nice in anything."

I feel the heat rush into my cheeks.I manage to look everywhere but Justin as his intense gaze burns holes through me.

"Well thanks,I guess."I shrug.

He chuckles and grabs my hand,leading me away from our houses.

"Where are we going?"I ask.

He shrugs,"wanna go to the park?"

I nod.

We silently walk to the park hand in hand.I take in my peaceful surroundings.Trees with birds chirping to each other,couples walking around everywhere.

I smile to myself.

Justin nudges me playfully,"what's so funny?"

"Nothing,"I laugh,"it's just a nice day today."

"It is,you know why?"he smirks.

"why?"I find myself smiling to.

"Because I'm with you."He says quietly,still holding that cheeky smirk on his face.

I burst out in laughter,earnings a few stares which cause me to quiet down a bit but not stop completely,"that was probably the most corny joke I've ever heard!"I laugh.

My demons{Jariana/Justin and ariana}Where stories live. Discover now