Out there...

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Sebastian tried not to fidget with his tie as he waited backstage but he couldn't help himself. This was the last thing he wanted to be doing but his agent had told him it would help the 'situation'. Sebastian sighed again as the thought if what's happened over the last month or so filled his head. How he still had you after everything was a shocker to him. If it was the other way round he'd have bolted right out of there without a second thought, but that's the difference between you and him. You don't over react.

"Mr Stan, you're on in one minute." the you'd man backstage informed him.

"Thanks." he cleared his throat as he once again smoothed down his tie.

"My next guest is one of the many stars of the new Avengers: Infinity Wars, he's also the star of I, Tonya and so much more. Welcome, Sebastian Stan." Jimmy Kimmel stood as the audience erupted into cheers and applause as the curtain was pulled back and Sebastian stepped out; smiling and waving. "How are you? It's good to see you again." Jimmy smiled as he sat down after shaking Sebastian's hand.

Sebastian nodded. "I'm, good, yeah, thank you." he smiled softly.

The interview went how they usually go; talk about a new film, passed films, have a laugh or two, say something mildly cheeky and get to talking about another film.

Sebastian knew it wouldn't be long before he was asked about you.

"So, one of the things, I wanted to talk to you about and, I know you haven't really said anything about the whole thing because, quite frankly it's the most stupidest thing... I mean... I thought the whole, phone hacking scandle had finished but, here you are, having it done to you." Jimmy frowned.

Sebastian sighed deeply. " Yeah, man. I mean, I'm totally there with you, thinking all that was done with but, apparently not because I had my phone hacked like, a month or something ago." Sebastian sighed, shaking his head at the thought.

Jimmy nodded. "Right, and you had put on your Instagram right after some of your phone's contents had been put, out there for everyone to see that you were... You weren't angry, but disappointed."

Sebastian chuckled, nodding. "Actually, that was Y/N who told me to say that. I wanted to rant and rave and tear the people responsible a new one but, you know, Y/N is a grown up and said be the bigger man." Sebastian smiled as he thought about the words that had left your mouth that morning you'd woken to find your private messages and pictures in the tabloids.

Jimmy nodded. "She seems like the lesser of two evils." he chuckled. "I guess from the smitten look you're sporting that, everything is good between the two of you?" Jimmy asked with a smile.

Sebastian nodded. "Believe it or not but, it's better I think. I mean, I could have done with out certain things been published... But, we're still going strong and, I thought she'd have freaked out and banished me to never speak to her again but, she just said... 'fuck it, everyone fucks'." he chuckled along with Jimmy and some of the audience as some tried not to.

"And that's, obviously her response to people reading about you're, hmm, sexting, right?"

Sebastian dropped his head back, blushing at the thought of everyone, everyone being his co-stars, family and the world reading about how you and Sebastian sext... a lot!

"Yeah." he took a deep breath to try calm himself down from over thinking things. "I could have done with that, not being out out there but... At least, other, things weren't shown." he thanked God that those naughty pictures you sent he had the brains to lock away somewhere good and delete the evidence.

"I'm guessing you mean... Visuals?" Jimmy chuckled.

Sebastian nodded. "Yeah, let's go with that." he chuckled.

Jimmy nodded again. "Well, it sounds like you've got a good one there, Sebastian. Y/N is always, a pleasure to talk to."

Sebastian grinned. "She's amazing. She's always so calm and able to think of the best response to things like this, I just panic and look at her with that puppy, 'help me' look and she just rolls her eyes at me before laughing and, calling me an idiot before she saves my ass. I don't kbow what, I'd do without her, you know. Meeting her was definitely the best thing to ever happen to me." he smiled proudly.

"I think that's a good place to end. Thank you, Sebastian."

Sebastian sighed deeply as he shut his dressing room door. That wasn't so bad. His eyes opened as he heard his phone ping on the desk and then again and again. He creased his brow as he picked it up. It had taken him a while to trust using a phone again but you'd convinced him it was okay.

My girl: Visuals?

My girl: Oh, you mean those pictures of me naked and fingering myself for you x
My girl: Ahaha, fuck you, hackers!! xxx

Sebastian began laughing as he read your messages that you'd sent him. Yep, you were definitely the best thing to happen to him. He jumped as he felt two arms wrap around his waist, only relaxing as he heard your giggle behind him.

"So, I'm the best thing to happen to you?" you smirked as he turned round to face you.

He raised his eyebrow at you. "And where did you hear that?" he teased, making you grin even more up at him. He leaned down and pressed a soft, loving kiss to your lips; his hands moving to cup your face. You moaned into his mouth as you squeezed him closer to you. "Of course you're the best thing to happen to me, baby... I love you."

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