Single Dad!M'Baku Headcanon

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For those who desired a less heart-wrenching conclusion to this SHORT series  and for those who are simply curious to what our beloved M'Baku would be like as a single father.

M'Baku is extremely protective over his little boy.Where the Jabari tribe leader can be found, his child can also be found either safely tucked against his chest or in the crook of his arm.Taking after his mother, M'Baku's boy is more of the quiet and pensive type.M'Baku only speaks to his son in a soft tone.M'Baku's son is his entire world and the child is an absolute daddy's boy.The pair develop a somewhat unhealthy codependency in the boy's early years but it becomes healthy overtime. M'Baku is reluctant to speak of his deceased wife for her passing still pains him greatly, but when his little boy sneaks into his room at night after a nightmare (as she had once done) and asks to be told about his mother M'Baku can not refuse. "Your mother was the most beautiful princess Wakanda had ever known and she was kind, so kind..."Father-Son treks in the Jabari mountains are a given."Look son, over the great mountains and beyond is the land you will rule one day."While Jabari children usually start training at the age of five, M'Baku's shy boy doesn't want to join the other kids ( he would rather stay with his daddy and watch him train).M'Baku obliges because he can never refuse his son or force him to do something he doesn't want to do. Many members of the Jabari criticize M'Baku for not forcing his son into combat training, some even claim he is a bad father and that his son is weak.M'Baku disregards most comments, but doesn't hesitate to pop someone when they start really talking sideways."You may think whatever you wish, but if anyone dares say something about the way I raise my son or ever dares insult him again, I will not hesitate to show you the might of your leader!"M'Baku's boy finally accepts to start training at the age of eight and is terribly good at it for having watched his father train for three years; however he has no care for it.The boy is more interested in scientific discoveries and looks forward to spending weekends with his Auntie Shuri."There is no way compound A and C can be genetically modified to produce the fraction of volume necessary to develop a molecule identical to such an element! It simply is impos- actually now that I think about it... Call your dad and tell him Auntie Shuri's going to need you for a few more days."M'Baku builds a lab similar to Shuri's for his scientifically inclined son. The boy spoiled rotten by Grandma Ramonda who never ceases to overfeed her ever so growing grandson.Both look forward to their yearly trip to Italy where they honour the memory of M'Baku's late wife/the boy's mother."She would have been so proud of you," M'Baku choked out as he gazed down at his boy (who was not too far away from become a man)."She would have been proud of you too, father," N'Kamili replied as he continued to stare at the sun setting on the Italian scenery.There were no tears of sadness for her that day, just joy and longing. The sun shone a little longer for them for it was also filled with her joy and longing.

I should have written a whole damn Epilogue while I was at it smh. I hope you enjoyed it!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2018 ⏰

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