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Applebelly is a golden brown tabby tom with brown eyes. He is a normal warrior in Thunderclan and has a mate and two kits. His mate goes by the name of Mosspool and she is the deputy of Thunderclan. Their kits are named Icepaw and Beetlepaw. They had a sister but she sadly died from drowning in the river after leaving camp without permission. He's never had an interest in being leader or medicine cat, he just wanted to be a warrior and protect his clan. He has a sister that is also a warrior of Thunderclan and her name is Bluefang(or Bluetooth, haha get it) and she has kits of her own who also have kits. Their mother and father have joined Starclan from old age. He will join Starclan one day but he has much time now and will serve his clan till the end.

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