Name generator #26

82 2 27

This one is going to be more unique names! Hope you like it!!

Your zodiac sign (I might have done this already but I'm to lazy to check):

Aries- Aspen
Taurus- Tansy
Gemini- Green
Cancer- Clover
Leo- Lark
Virgo- Vole
Libra- Lost
Scorpio- Soot
Sagittarius- Spruce
Capricorn- Copper
Aquarius- Acorn
Pisces- Plum

What would you rather do:

Cure cancer- leaf


Give everything homeless person a home and food/drink- heart

I personally would like to d o both of them but I lost my grandma to cancer and I've known kids that have gone though it and it also is in my family's female genes so... There's only a slight chance I might get uy when older, byf hopefully we'll have a cute for it. On a happier note! Comment what you got and I hope you have an amazing day/night!!! Byyeee!!

I got Aspenleaf!! 🗻🍃
(I know that's Fiji but whatever, its snow)

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