Chapter 27 - eye contact: how souls catch fire

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Chapter 27 - eye contact: how souls catch fire

Elise Montgomery <3 - they say that whoever you are with at midnight will be the ones you'll spend your year with so... come join me

It was New Year's Eve and I was lying on the bathroom floor leaning into a bucket. No, I'm not hungover and that is exactly what Elise asked when she appeared at my house, decked out in all the glitz and glamour.

"No, babe. You needed to be at my house, you know, okay and not throwing up until the morning after."

"I'll be there just-" I was cut off again by my dinner the night before. I feel like this is my life now. Gross body issue; bleeding from my uterus and or projectile vomit.

"wait here I'll put on some plain toast for you, it'll make you feel better." Dear mother Elise. Who says blood makes family. When one door closes another one opens.

Okay, trying to get ready with a old Hollywood style vanity with bulbs

surrounding the perimeter whilst you have a raging headache is a highly unadvised. But, somehow without more vomit, we made it to her house where music was blasting, lights were hung and bodies filled the place, well six people; Claire, Jonah, toby, Charlie, ethan and Thomas.

"guys, guys. We have five minutes til midnight." Elise cluttered towards us in her massive heels.



"so." I started.

"5. 4. 3. 2. 1. HAPPY NEW YEAR!" party poppers and cheers echoed throughout out the house. This was my little cliché moment; Noah and I standing still in the middle of the room, the world around us seemingly silent and invisble. The only thing that would make this moment more cliché would be a midnight kiss but, I settled with a handshake. Noah however had a different idea... a hug. He caught me off guard and enveloped me in a hug.

"I know we went through a lot this year, but let's make a truce..." Lexi puts her hand out for him to shake but instead he envelopes her in a hug.

"you're right."

"did you just... agree with me?" here comes old noah. A smile broke loose on both our faces.

"oh I wish I could take-"

"Nope. Nu-uh. You said it. No take-backs!" I just smiled.

"so what are your new year's resolutions?" really, that's all I could come up with?

"well to start off with: skydiving, fully eating an egg salad sandwich, getting arrested-"

"wait, getting arrested is on you bucket list?" he just winked.

"back to before you rudely interrupted me, hmph, lexi you should know better," I just slapped him on the arm. "re-invent the newspaper and wear a unicorn shirt without getting judged."

"jesus, I forgot about your horrid fashion senses. Remember your fedora moment?"

"hey, I was proud of that. I really think I rivalled Ryan Evans."

"Lucas Grabeel would be ashamed."

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