Tin's Oxygen: Part 1

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"Oi'Tin, can you pass me that remote," Can said shoving another piece of fruit into his mouth. He's resting on his hospital bed with the table tray in front of him. It's filled with as much plates of food he can fit on the small table. There was also a few plates on the table next to the window.

I lightly toss the remote onto the bed, and he turns the channel a few times till he finds cartoons on.

"So when can I leave. You said by today, but what time today..? Ai'Tin it's already six... I want to go get real food. Not this boring hospital food," he said pouting his lips at me. "I haven't been able to taste in so long. I miss BBQ."

You sure did order a hell of a lot of this "boring hospital food."

I look at him incredibly and shake my head in disbelief. "Malnutrition and sleep deprivation." That's what the doctor said, but here Can is eating half the kitchen jumping up and down on his hospital bed.

He said he couldn't eat or sleep, but I find it hard to believe... With his bottomless pit of a stomach.

Not to mention he's acting like nothing happened between us at all. This little guy has given me multiple heart attacks in the past couple of days, and he's acting like we are on vacation at a resort.

"Not until the doctor comes back to check on you."

"Mumm. I hope he comes soon. Ai'Tin you really didn't have to take me here... It's too fancy... Our family's insurance will never be able to afford this," he said between bites.

That didn't stop you from ordering food when I said I would pay for the extra dishes.

"I'll pay for it. Our family has connections with this hospital. Don't worry about it," I said ruffling his hair. He closed his eyes and a smile plastered on his face as he hummed. Such a kid.

More... I want to see more of his expressions.

I moved the table tray slightly over, but not out of the reach completely because than he would complain. I sit down next to him and he looks at me questioningly.

"Do you want some too?" He asks me holding a grape to me.

God. You're too damn cute. What am I going to do with you?

"Mumm." I said with a smirk. He feeds me the grape, and I smirk at him. His gaze lingers on my lips for a few seconds, but returns back to my eyes. "Do you want some more?"

"Mumm," I said and he tries to grab a strawberry to feed me. But I stop his hand with my own. "No. Not that one."

He bites his bottom lip, and looks at me nervously. "What one do you want?"


He makes an "O" shape with his mouth and puts the strawberry back in the bowl. When there is an opening I take it, and cupped his face with my hand. He closed his eyes as I pressed my lips against his. He didn't fight back like he used to, and freely reached up to cup my cheek. His hands shaking slightly as I deepened the kiss and began to explore his mouth.

All of this started with an insignificant kiss I initiated to shut this boy's mouth up, but now...

That one kiss has changed my entire world. I want him.

I want him more than I have ever wanted anything.

"Ai'Tin... We already kissed enough... Let me eat some more. *Mmm* Ai'Tin!" He said between kisses. "What if the doctor comes back? He will see... Ai'Tin..."

"Let him. It's not like I care what anyone else thinks," I said leaning over him till he was laid back on the bed. He pouts and I can't help but laugh.

Can's Sweetener ( LBC FF ) [ TinCan ] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now