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Name: Thorn Ambrose. (PLEASE READ)

Hair color: Dark Brown

Eye Color:Hazel

DAD:Dean Ambrose

Uncle(S): Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins

Skin Color:Very Pale

Accent: Very British

Favorite Animals:Pug Dog, Bunny,Horses,Dogs,bird,fish,turtle

Favorite Color:Black/white

Height:Tall, 5'5 ft

CLOTHS STYLE:T-Shirt,Shorts/hoodie,jeans/Tank top,Shorts(Casual sorta)

ABILITY:Drawing,Singing,Fighting,Wrestling,flexible,Athletic,looking good in pretty much anything,staying Skinny,Sneaky,being smart

LIKES:Music,Singing,Fighting,being Smart,being Sneaky,The Miz/Mike,Dancing

FRIENDS:The Miz/Mike, Layla,Paige,Natalya,Big Show,The Bella Twins,John Cena,Danial Bryan


HAIR:Long,dark brown,thick

ATITUDE/PERSONALITY: Really Don't Care type,Smart,Sneaky,Bad Girl type

CRUSH:The Miz/Mike


ENIMIES:Brock,The Athourity,Whyatt brothers,ECT->

What Thorn has to say:

Hi I'm Thorn and I'm 19 I have long dark brown hair that's naturally curly and thick.My eyes...Are Hazel.Im the type of girl that couldn't care less most of the time I have that really don't care attitude,Most people are smart enough to figure out that you don't want on my bad side.Im Daddy's little girl.One major thing is that I had Open Heart Surgry at the age of 4 1/2. I'm a great fighter(Wrestler) I have a crush on Mike and were BEST friends. I'm too tough and strong to be in the Divas Division so the made me a superstar. People can try and mess with me and get to my head but it's not that easy even though I am short tempered. well gtg

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