YOU.ARE.NOT./DaddyDaughter Time/Sickness takes over

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I woke up to The Speakers BLARING the song Apoligize (we don't apologize). "AHAHAH!!!!!" I yelled while I fell off the bed on the ground. When I looked up I saw Mike,Bri Bella,Nattie,Naomi, dancing like idiots while laughing at ME!!!!!

"Don't.You.Ever.Do.That.Agian" I said while glaring at My Dad who had the speakers set up by me bed smirking. I looked over and saw Charm barking at me from the bed. "Auw baby"i said picking him up. "yeees love?" Mike said he said taking Charm from me and handing him to Nattie who drooled over Charm.

And then picking me up in his arms. "not you, you idiot." I said with my thick British accent while laughing at his attempt to look sad and pucker his lips out. "ha-ha,No" I said kissing his cheek he blushed.

I looked at the clock to see onley it being the earliest of the late night/morning.3:00 A.M!!!!!

Dad came up to me and sat on the bed with me. "wanna go for a walk?"he asked

"Yeah sure"i said sweetly.I onley show sweetness and emotion around my dad and Mike because of how close we are. "I'll be back" I said as they nodded and smiled.Our show for this time was in Panama City Beach(go there every summer!!)

We walked down to the beach but since it was 3 A.M. it was just us out here."soo....we're having a tag team match tonight..who ya think the voters picked or will pick?"he asked curiously I could tell he wanted Seth to be one of them.

"Well considering how much they Looove to see you attack Seth....Seth...and.....Randy Orton."

"Yeah the 'authority' aren't to fond of the Ambrose's style" he said smirking. so I smirked too.

"When are they going to learn the more they put on the less power they have through the fact that

Ambrose familey doesn't.Give.Up.Ever till the very end."i say thinking of how Seth might cheet by using the brief case agian. "but suriosly if Seth uses that briefcase one-more-freakin-time, I aM going to go all 'lunitic' and 'unstable' on everyone." I said getting annoyed with Seth.

"Ha oh please do, you can be like me!!!" he said exited.

"Ha I already am like you." I said hugging him. we sat down on one of the chair seeing as we made it to the pool. "I love you sweety" he said kissing my head and rubbing my arm.

"I love you too dad you understand me you and Mikey." I said not getting how people could go around and see my dad as JUST a crazy lunitic fringe,and the man who doesn't care who he hurts to get what he wants. and me as an emotionless, fearless, 'lil lunitic or 'phyco' I mean we're more than that sure I don't show emotion in the ring and when I and my dad get mad we can go far past crazy. Sure we have our fans who love us for that but they also love the fact of how close our bond is for each other and how we DO care for each other in the fatherly daughterly way and we go beyond limits to pretect one another same for mike.

>>>7:00 at Arena>>>€>€>€>€>€>€>€

We were getting ready for the match I was dressed in (please visit my polyvore @kenleefaile) My dad wore his usual while I wore Plain Shorts with new top and my signature Leather red jacket.

Me and dad walked to the gorilla to see who they voted for us to face.

Randy Orton and......MIKE?!?!?!? I just stared at the screen shocked I don't want to go against my best friend and hurt him. Unbelievable!!!!! Those two don't even work well together anyways! I looked over to dad or when were at the arena I call him 'Dean' just to see his face mad.

"I'll be back" I said running off before Dean could say anything . I ran to Miz's room to see him almost heading out the same door. "I didn't know-" I hugged him "I know" he hugged back.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2015 ⏰

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