Apon Seth Rollins

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I walked out of my dressing room with an expressionless face. I dressed like my dad tonight. Dark blue jeans, white crop top, but I added my own touch with bright red leather jacket with zippers on the sides that slant the jacket stops at mid stomach. My long Dark Brown hair straightened My side bangs covering my rite eye. My earrings on each sides of my ears on one side it's a "T" on the other it's an "A" stands for "Thorn Ambrose" Adrenaline running through my veins.

I walked to the gorilla waiting for my music to hit. As I get there I see my dad and Mike standing there waiting for me. Guess they want to walk out with me?"Hey!Ready for the match?" my dad Dean ask. Oh yeah I have a match against Seth Rollins tonight my so called used to be "uncle" it is a lumber jack match and the last match of the night."Yeah. Can't wait for a Champion ship match. Or go after a championship match myself." I said looking over Mike onley to see him hugging his Intercontinental championship. "Mine." Mike said "Really?"i said back

"Really."he said sticking his chin up in the air. I lightly chuckled. I really onley show any emotion but onley toward these two who I see as not onley my dad and and my best friends but people who will stick by me through everything nothing can brake this familey up. And yes I just called Mike familey that's how close we really are.

He'll even kiss my cheek every once in a while.

"Earth to Thorn." my dad just said snapping me out of my train of thought. "Sorry what?"i asked

"Your time to go" he said getting my attention on my music Blaring through the Arena I looked at them to see them smirking at me so I just smirked back earning a kiss on the cheek by Mike and a pat on the back from dad. We walked out to "Homewrecker" by Marina and the Diamonds (when I sing my voice sounds just like Marina's voice other than when I talk it's my natural Very British accent.) When we finally got down the ramp I jumped up on the outside of the ropes part of the mat while Dean and 'The Miz' joined the others around the ring. I got down on one knee with one hand on the second rope while the other was by my side I threw my jacket down while I trew my head back screamed (like Paige does) . Then got in the ring and went to my side while Seth's music Started to play he stood at the top of the ramp glaring down it while holding onto his MTB BriefCase tightly as if someone*looks at 'Dean'* was going to rip up the contract....agian. As he was walking down we glared at each other I just practiced by jumping up and down while punching thin air (like Dean does) . When he finally made it down he took off his Black tight leather shirt and trew it outta the ring and set his briefcase outside the ring. The ref rung the bell and we locked up. To keep my reputation and keep the lead knead him in the growing gaining controle as he let go I drop kicked him to the mat and as he turned over to get up I used his own trick against him and curve stomped him back down. You see unlike that annoying summer Rae I don't go for the attomatic pin and get so frustrated and mad so easily and start to pull my hair out. NO. I keep up a good fight and I wait until their worn out enough to were they can't kick out and THEN go for the pin.

If they do kick out I understand it happens some people won't give up so easily and I understand that so I try harder. And bounced from one rope to the other about 1 time and on my second round he tried to clothesline me but I ducked and cloths lined him when he turned around. when he was on the ground I picked him up by his hair ignoring the calls from the ref to let go of his hair.

I held his face up to mine and yelled in his face " YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST ABANDON THE SHIELD AFTER HOW MUCH WORK YALL PUT INTO IT? AND THE SAY THAT 'YOU' CREATED IT AND 'YOU' BROKE IT DOWN? NO. MY DAD CREATED a GOOD BIT OF THAT ALONG WITH ROMAN 'AND' YOU. NOT JUST YOU DANG IT.!!!!!!!!" I hadn't realized I had a tear running down my cheek so 'he' wiped it off okey go of his hair and he HUGED me!!! it took me awhile to understand what was going on and to get rid of the shock and to trust him wich I still don't but I hugged back anyways. I looked over at my dad who looked shocked yet angry as he was about to get in the ring all the lumberjack had to pull him back down but he was still struggling to get free of their grip and Beat Seth.

FallOut Love (The Miz love story)(Dean Ambrose's Daughter)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt