(3) "Never, ever again."

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"You wanna smile, but you wanna cry. You talk, but you wanna be quiet. You're happy, but you aren't." -Unknown

I'm sorry this chapter was short. I hope you enjoy though! I promise I'll update soon. :)


I freaked out and dropped the scissors. I grabbed some toilet paper and cleaned my blood. I hid it and ran out of the restroom leaving the blood and scissors on the floor.

I went to my locker and collected my black sweater.

Once i put it on i slid down onto the floor crying. Tears and tears start coming out as i remembered my parents, and what happened in the cafeteria.

I brought my knees close to my chest and sobbed against it.


"Are you okay?" Some girl asks.

"Yeah, I'm just tired..." i whisper but loud enough for her to hear.

Tired of trying.

Tired of hoping.

Tired of lying.

Tired of existing.

Tired of breathing.

Tired of living.

"Oh, okay see you later." She says as she walks away.

Yeah, walk away like everyone else in my life once did.

"Are you sure?" Someone from behind asks giving me a tiny heart attack. I turn around and see Grayson.

"Yes, i am. Now if you excu-" i say but got cut off by him.

"No, no your not." He says as he pulled my sleeves up and stares at my arm that is filled with fresh cuts from this morning.

"Why are you cutting?" He asks with anger inside his voice.

"W-what? How'd you know i was cutting?"

"Its dripping..." he says and looks down.

I look down with him and see my blood gently dripping onto the floor.

"I- leave me alone!"i tell him and rip my arm away from his. I was about to start walking away but he took hold of my arm and brought me flying onto his chest.

"No, You need to promise me you won't do it again Jamie." He says.

"H-How do you know my name?" I ask him.

"I... uh. W-we have the same history class together." He says.

"Oh, well still let go of me." I tell him.

"Jamie, please stop cutting." He warns me and lets go of my hand.

"Why do you even care for me? Just leave me alone." I say and walk away from the lockers and towards the restroom.

Once i walk in i wash my arm. Then the bell rang signaling us to walk to our next period. Which is 7. My 7th period is PE.

i walked towards the girl's locker room to change. once i walked in there i changed into my PE shirt and shorts. i coughed as i walked past some girls who were putting way to much perfume on themselves.

Gees girls with their perfumes. i mean we are going to be running anyways. Why bother putting on perfume when its just going to disappear? i asked myself as i ran out of the locker room.

"Okay lazy bums!" my Coach also known as my PE teacher Mr. Frizz yells. "Go run around the track 6 times without stopping!" He yells then blows his whistle signaling us to start running.

Gosh this teacher gets on my nerves at times. i thought as i began running around the track with the rest of the students following behind.

After we ran the laps we drank water. Then he made us play basketball.

"Girl vs boys!" Mr. Frizz yells then whistles.

A boy grabs the basketball and starts dribbling it towards me. I try stealing it but he passed it to another boy.

It just went on and on like that until the boys made a basket.


Just as i walk in the girls locker room I'm sweating like crazy. I put my hair in a pony tail and continue to walk to my locker.

I suddenly smell this awful scent coming from my locker.

Did i leave food in here? I thought.

I open my locker door to come to face a bunch of trash all over my stuff.

"What the fûck!!" I yelled as it all fell onto the floor. The stench gets stronger as i gently try to get my stuff.

Then i hear laughter coming from the outside of the door.

Fûckin bîtches!

I change into my dirty clothes and head out. All eyes come towards me as i walk to my coach.

"Uh, Mr. Fizz. Someone had put trash in my locker." I tell him. He gives me this odd look. Then suddenly he starts laughing. LAUGHING I tell you!

Then all my fellow classmates start laughing with him leaving me the only one embarrassed. I quickly ran out of the gym and to the restroom.

I look at myself in the mirror. I'm sweaty, my shirt is dirty, and my hair is a mess. I start crying as i remember what happened just a few moments ago.

Like the freaking teacher started laughing! How could he just do that. I thought as i looked at myself crying in the mirror.

Why is life such a bitch at times?

Why couldn't i just have a normal life?

Why do i have to suffer?

What have i ever done?

I cried and cried as i heard the final bell.

Yes! Finally it's time to go home.

I hurried out of the bathroom and to my locker. I put everything inside and took my backpack out. I spend walked out of the building. Just as i was about to enter my car someone stopped me by saying.

"Hey baby cakes." The all so familiar voice says. My eyes go wide as i recognized his scent, and his voice.

No.... i-i thought this was over. I thought to myself.

"Never, ever again." He whispers against my ear. He nibbles at it making me freeze on the spot.

He cant be back... i-i thought he was never coming back!

Word count- 1034

♡️ Thanks for reading! ♡
♡️ Until next time geeks! ♡️

I am brOKen ✓️(Oh hold)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin