(7) Am i dreaming?

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"That feeling your not necessarily sad, but you just feel really empty."-unknown

Again... this chapter is short. Please dont be mad, I'm just having writers block. Last chapter so see y'all next week! Anyways enjoy!


Jamie's POV

I wake up and It takes me a few moments to realize I'm tied up?

"What?" I whisper to myself.

Where am i? And why the hell am i tied up?!

Then i remembered.


All i see is Jackson getting pulled off me. when he let me go i fell but something or someone catched me. Then the lights went off. i felt myself moving but i didn't have it in me to move. I couldn't move.. 


and then i heard it... gunshots.. screaming... crying...

Jackson was shot... 

Then everything went pitch black.

End of flashback

Oh my god... the kids!

"Help!!" I scream out.

"Shush! Stop screaming!" A low voice says to me.

"Whos there?!" I ask. I look around and see another girl tied up across the room.

"I'm Maxine Hawkins. Please stop screaming, they'll hear you and b-beat us." She chocked out.

My eyes go wide as i realize I've been kidnapped.

"Where the hell are we?" I ask.

"I have no idea..." she quietly says.

Silents fills the room as a few moments pass  by.

"M-my name is Jamie." I whisper. My eyes get watery as i felt my hands burn against the chains.

I look more around and notice theres no window, dressers, bed nothing but a door in the room. The walls are plain grey, the door is a brown color so im assuming its wood.

Tons of questions fill my mind as I look down at my feet.

Where am i? Why am i here? Who did this? What did i do to deserve this? Will i be found? Are people even looking for me? Why am- i thought but was cut off by the door slamming open.

It reveals two buff guys who are walking in. Then another man followed behind, but he was much buffer.

Uh oh...

"Hello Maxine, Jamie." The buffer guy says. "I assume your asking youself questions you don't know the answer to?" He continued.

I look back at Maxine and see her sending a nasty glare at him.

"Let us go Jason." She says with a threatening voice.

"Why shall i do that?" He smirked.

"My brother will find you and wont stop at nothing as he stabs you repeatedly." Maxine spits.

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