(8) This makes no sense...

14 6 2

"Words hurt more than anything else can, because they sometimes last forever."-Unknown

This is a really really short chapter. Please don't be mad... i might publish the next chapter in a bit. Enjoy!


"Like i said Jamie. We had things to do." He replied.


"Whos we?" I ask.

"He's talking about us sweet pea." A voice from behind me says.

I glup as i continue to stare at my so called father. Then i turn to face Maxine. She was already staring at me. Her eyes show no emotion.

"I've missed you." Then a woman walks up to my father.

I glance back to Maxine and her eyes widen.

Wow so they were alive... and they never looked for me?

The weird part i don't understand is my fathers name. I thought his name was Julian?

Am i dreaming?


"Oh sweetie. I know your confused so let me just explain." The woman says.

"The girl who you saw that was killed in front of you wasn't your real mom. That woman was my twin sister. I had to take care of things that day so in the morning me and her switched places. Then me and your father left to take care of some business." She says as she walks around the room.

"Those men who killed my sister had suffered great things." She says as she laughs. "Aren't i right Maxine?" She smirked.

"You son of a fûcking co-" she was saying but was interrupted.

"Now, now Maxine. We wouldn't want you to end up like your mother, do we?" My father says.

My eyes go wide as i turn to look at Maxine. Her eyes are glossy eyes. It looks like shes about to break down any minute.

"S-stop talking a-about her." Maxine sobs.

My mother laughs and walks closer to her. "When this is over make sure to tell my sister how truly missed she is."

Maxine gives her a disgusted look then turns to me.

"This is all you fault!" She screamed at me and tears come out.

Wait what? What did i do?

"W-what did i do?" I silently ask.

"You fûckin let my mother die! You didn't do shit to help her!" She screamed.

Oh my god... that was her mother?!

This makes no sense...

Word count- 418
♡️ Thanks for reading! ♡️
♡️ Until next time geeks! ♡️

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