Chapter 8

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Rachel's eyes closed as she gave herself over to feel Finn's lips softly caressing her own. Her small moan was the only sound to be heard in the small kitchen. He ran his tongue along her bottom lip, before pulling it into his mouth to nibble on it. The moan granted Finn the access he craved for, and he swept his tongue into her mouth, intent on exploring and tasting every crevice of her mouth. 

But apparently the powers that be had other plans that differed to Finn's, because right then their kiss was broken by the sound of someone banging frantically on the front door. Finn rested his forehead against Rachel's as he tried to catch his breath. He was fighting between the desire to take her mouth passionately again and ignoring the person outside, and actually opening the door to let whoever it was out there, crazy enough to brave the snow, in. 

‘I thought we were snowed in?’ he whispered in question to Rachel. 

‘We are’, she replied, apparently oblivious to the person banging on her door. 

‘Are you sure you're not just saying that so you can keep me locked up in your house Ms. Berry?’ he joked. 

Rachel laughed. ‘Tempting but no,’ she told him. 

‘Then how is it possible that there is someone trying to knock your door down?’ he asked her. 

‘What!’ Rachel gasped, and for the first time listened. 

‘Oh God,’ she said, before taking off at a run towards the door. Rachel didn’t think about looking through the peep hole to see who was on the other side of the door, before she pulled it open. Her only thought being that the person on the other side could possibly be frozen to death by now. So, it was quite a surprise when she opened the door, that she came face to face with a short blonde with ringlets and piercing brown eyes. The womon looked vaguely familiar to Rachel, but she wasn’t sure why. 

‘Can I help you?’ Rachel asked. By this stage Finn had made his way to the door and was standing along side Rachel. 

‘I’m sorry, I must have the wrong place,’ the woman apologised, looking back and forth between Finn and Rachel. 

‘Oh ok,’ Rachel smiled and tried to shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen, away. ‘Who were you looking for? Maybe I can help you since I’ve lived here for quite some time,’ she suggested. 

‘Oh I was looking for Brody Weston,’ she answered. 

Rachel's face paled instantly and she took a step back bumping into Finn, who had to react quickly to reach out and grab her. 

‘Um maybe you should come in,’ Finn suggested to the woman. He wasn’t sure who this woman was. Rachel didn’t appear to know her, but she knew Brody and didn’t appear to have been told of his passing. 

‘So this is the right place?’ she asked, confused. 

‘Yeah, I guess’ Finn answered. 

Finn led a quiet and shaking Rachel, who had turned her body around so that her face was now buried against his chest, and a confused Cassandra, into the house. When they entered the living room Finn offered the woman a seat. 

‘I’m sorry, I’m Finn Hudson and this is Rachel Berry,’ Finn introduced themselves, trying to ease the awkwardness. Rachel had removed herself from Finn's embrace and turned to face the woman and her questions. After Finn's introductions, she realised she was being terribly rude and despite the pain she knew she would feel having to explain Brody's death, she realised that this could also be potentially hard on the woman. 

‘Cassandra July,’ she replied with a small smile. 

‘Oh God,’ Rachel cried, her hand flying to her mouth, tears instantly filling her eyes. How could she have missed it? Yes, there were subtle differences, like longer hair and a plumper face, but not enough to have missed it. 

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