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They sat curled together on the lounge watching the fire works shooting into the dark sky and waiting for the famous apple to drop in Times Square. Finn pulled her small body against his tighter. She was never close enough, and they were never touching enough. 

“Our first New Year” he whispered, awed that he was with her, here to share it. The past five days had been the best of his life. He reached out and fingered the necklace around Rachel's neck and couldn’t help but think back to Christmas Day when he had finally been able to give it to her. 

Flashback to Christmas Day

They had sat together at the pond holding hands and talking for what felt like hours when they realised the time. 

“Will you come with me to Christmas dinner at Jesse and Quinn's?” she whispered. 

“I’d go to the ends of the world with you, Rachel” he smiled back. 

“You would wouldn’t you?” she said awed.

“Yes. I love you. I’ve always loved you."

“I love you too.” Finn smiled brilliantly after hearing her words. Although she had said it already it was still the first time she'd said it back when he had told her he loved her and he would never get tired of hearing it. 

“I have something for you,” he said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out the small package.

“I was going to leave it with Puck to give to you after I left.” He was glad that he hadn’t been able to part with it.

Rachel unwrapped the small present carefully until she pulled out the delicate bag. Her hand was shaking for some reason and she wasn’t sure why. She opened the bag and poured its contents out into the palm of her hand. 

“Oh Finn,” she gasped. The chain was so delicate you could barely see it, but hanging from it in the middle was a small guardian angel, with a diamond halo. 

“I thought it was appropriate and that it could look out for you when I was gone,” he explained.

Rachel felt herself tearing up “Can you help me put it on?” she asked. When Finn nodded and took the necklace Rachel turned and lifted her hair so he could place it around her neck. Finn secured the necklace like an expert and when he was sure it was in place he leaned in and placed a warm open mouth kiss against the back of Rachel's neck. 

“Merry Christmas Rachel” he said. 

Turning back to face him, Rachel cupped his masculine cheek in her small hand. “Merry Christmas Finn,” she whispered back, before leaning in and kissing him. 

Rachel sighed and closed her eyes against Finn's strong chest. She couldn’t believe that he was here with her and that he loved her and that she had been able to finally tell him that she loved him. He had saved her in so many ways and her heart felt like it would burst right now with happiness. She couldn’t wait to tell him the news that she had discovered just that morning. 

After Christmas dinner with her friends, Finn and Rachel finally sat down and talked about everything. Rachel was shocked and happy to find out that Finn had been watching over her for as long as he could remember and the reasons for his sudden appearance into her life. She had cried and thrown herself into his arms when he told her that he shared every hurt and heartbreak with her his entire life, and how he wished everyday that he could come and take it away. 

“You did?” Rachel had told him. 

Finn frowned slightly. “Just by being here and being there when I needed you the most,” he explained. 

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