devil's tango *wink*

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"You wanted an excuse, here. You're talking to me and I think we're having fun, then you just ignore me. For days, what were you doing? You could've just said that you don't like me.
But then, me ignoring you only for a single day, is so bad. I never said anything about it to you, what are you complaining about?" You said.

He didn't say anything back, cat got his tongue, you thought. "Nothing to say now, huh?" You asked. You shift in place, shifting the weight from one leg to another. "Forget it."

"I don't want to fight" you said. "Me neither", Loki said back. He sure did seem like he wanted to fight. You slowly inch towards him. You wanted to touch him so badly, swipe your thumb on his lips, move his hair out of his beautiful eyes and stare into them for hours. To get him out of that uncomfortable looking uniform and having him stay the night in your bed, stroking your back. You wanted all of that.

You stopped yourself. You went back to your room. Your safe space where you could spend all day in there, just thinking. You could do that. But instead of sitting on your desk chair, you went to bed.

You laid there, on your side, that way your back was facing the door, awake. You could imagine him opening it, slowly, just in case you're sleeping. Closing it silently behind him. Sitting on the floor, by your side. You'd pretend to be asleep, but you'd hear him apologizing for everything. He'd whisper it in your ear. Then, he'd get up and turn to leave. Just half way as he's opening the door, you'd say, "I forgive you". He'd turn around, fast, almost as if he's excited. He'd smile.

You imagined that.


You heard the door creaking, just minutes after you left the conversation with Loki. You quickly turned around, checking for threats. You grabbed a hair brush that happened to be on your desk, and sat on the bed. Ready to attack. It turned out to be Steve which you scared the hell out of. He came to check on you. He heard you leaving and coming back to your room.

"I was just grabbing something to bite in the kitchen" you said. He worries too much about you. "I just care about you, you know". He said. "A bit too much" you said back. You were grateful for having such a great friend.

"Nevermind. What's up?" You asked. "Life is great right now. No missions, no enemies on our radar. I can relax, and most importantly, listen to you venting about that snake, Loki." He said. He smiled at you and you smiled back. If you didn't know better, you would think that Steve likes you. But that can't be.

"I think I'll go to bed. You want to stay?" You asked Steve. Sometimes he stays with you and sleeps in your bed. Some people might find it weird but you trust Steve to not make this awkward. At first the group was convinced that you liked Steve until Loki got into the picture. Whenever anyone asked you if you like Steve, you always said no, but Steve never did. He never said that he didn't like you.

You laid awake, again, thinking about Steve this time. Oh god, he likes you doesn't he? You never thought that you'd do this but you read his mind.

"Y/n is so pretty. And probably doesn't like me back. I'm so unlucky. Loki came in the wrong time. What do I do now?" You heard Steve's voice ringing in your head. Your suspicion was true, then.

Steve likes you.

The question is, what are you suppose to do with this information? You can't tell Steve that you know, he'll ask you how you know and you'll have to tell him that you read his thoughts, which you promised to never do. What a sticky situation.

You decided to sleep on it. You were thinking about how tough it probably is to not make a move on you, considering he sleeps in your bed sometimes. And you hang out a lot.
You turned your body to the side, to look at Steve. He was laying straight on his back and seemed like he was asleep. You checked out his body. Yep, that's a body you'd drool over. You never saw him shirtless, though, but the shirt was tight around his chest.

He turned around too and your noses were touching. You put your hand on his cheek. It wouldn't hurt to just check how's it like to be with captain America for one night, would it?
He opened his eyes. "What are you doing?" He whispered. You stroked his cheek with your thumb. "Your skin is so smooth. Why is your skin so smooth? This is illegal" you said. "Wish my skin was this smooth" you added.

He moved his arm from his side to your face. "Your skin is smooth too, what are you complaining about?" He asked. You laughed silently and smiled at him. Your little stupid arguments are the best.

You continued to stroke his cheek until you reached his nose. Then, you stuck your finger in it. It was hard to gross you out which is exactly how you could do gross things like this.

"You are such an idiot" Steve said. It was obviously a joke. You laughed again, this time for a longer time until your stomach hurt. Doing stupid things is what keeps you alive.
After you relaxed you looked at him and smiled. You couldn't see much in the darkness but you saw his glowing blue eyes that looked back at you. In the dark they were much more beautiful. Well, now's the only time you really looked at them.

You'd feel like you're betraying Loki if you kissed Steve. But you knew Steve wanted it and would be so happy if you'd kiss him. That is what you thought about a second before leaning in and touching his lips with yours. His lips felt warm, unlike Loki's. He kissed you back. He had many reasons to stop you, the first being that he knows you like someone else, but he did anyways. He wanted this since the first day he met you and never made a move because of Loki. It's always because of him.

You pulled his shirt up and off. You ran your hand along his body. You didn't touch someone like this ever since your boyfriend died. And you needed it right now. He took your shirt off too before he stopped. He jumped quickly out of your bed.

"No, this isn't right. You can't do this. You don't like me, you like him" he said before putting his shirt on and leaving. He closed the door shut and walked back to his room.

No devil's tango for you tonight.

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