instead of "i love you", "hey"

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You has exactly thirteen minutes to get up, get ready and get out to meet your friend, Chris.


You brushed your teeth. Twelve minutes are a lot of time, when you think about it. Just enough to fix your morning hair, grab a shirt, grab pants, put them on, put shoes on, not before you put socks on, tie the laces and get out of the house. Plus, the walk over to the cafe was firfteen minutes away.

You ran. Almost forgot your phone and some money. But you ran outside. Four minutes to get there. You don't want to be late.

Almost ran into a person, twice. Almost got hit by a car, too, but you're fine. You stopped outside the cafe to catch your breath for a moment and then walked inside. "Chris, hi." You said, practically whispering as you couldn't breath.

"Y/n, you're sweaty," he started. You shooshed him by putting your finger to your lips. You sat down at the table he chose.

"Start from the very begining, y/n. I havn't seen you in years." He said.

"So, I crawled out of my mother's-"

"No, no. What happened the last four years?"

"I- I met this guy." You started, stuttering. You enjoyed talking about him, getting the weight of not telling off of your chest, but you didn't at the same time. You felt uneasy. "We dated and everything was perfect. We had this plan for our future, we'd have a child, if it was a boy we'd name him Sam, for a girl Samantha. We'd get married, have this beautiful house and a dog. Two dogs, actually. I dreamed about that future for many nights.

The words spilled from your mouth like a waterfall. You were never one to plan things. "What ever happens happens" was your motto, until you met him. He changed you.

"His father was this important man that had many enemies. To hurt him, they hurt his son. They murdered him." You felt tears threatening to escape your eyes but you didn't let them. You couldn't cry again about this subject.

He reached out to hold your hand. You didn't pull away. "I don't know what to say." He whispered. "You don't have to say anything. That was three years ago, old news. What's up with you?" You changed the topic of the conversation. You felt bad for ruining the mood, which is exactly why you don't talk much about yourself.

"Single and ready to mingle. Still living with my mom, you should go and say hi to her, she probably misses you."

You chuckled, the tears have completely gone. "I should." You answered.

You noticed you're still holding hands. "Listen, I'm not-" you wanted to tell him that you're not available when your phone made a sound, letting you know that someone sent you a text. You opened it, apologizing to Chris, and read what the text said.

"Come to the tower ASAP" sent by Tony.

"RIGHT NOW" another text.

You let go of his hand. "I'm sorry, I have to go- but we'll talk soon." Luckily you excanged your phone numbers the night before.

You ran away, to your house, to Loki. You quickly explained the situation, that stark needs you at the tower for an unknown reason, and that you have to go. You grabbed a small bag and put what you could reach. Phone charger, a pair of socks and a haibrush. You grabbed your keys and ran to your car. Your parents weren't at home that morning, you'd have to call later to explain. You struggled to open the car as Loki put a hand on your shoulder. "I can teleport." He said.


"Mr. Stark. We came as soon as possible, what happened?" You asked him, slightly worried. His eyes were slightly watery, but that could've been caused by the wind at the spot you were standing. 

"Nat's birthday is coming up, we need to plan something for her." He said. You almost screamed at his face, why make the texts sound so scary? Eventually, after making many unexplainable faces, you just left. You didn't say anything, though, you want to participate in planning her birthday.

"I just left Chris there, hanging. I should call him." You told Loki. You pulled out your phone from your pocket and called him. It didn't dial for long until he picked up. "Chris-" "y/n-" you both said at the same time. You two giggled for a second. "I should-" "you need t-" you both said at the same time once again. "I should explain." You said after the giggling stopped.

You explained the situation, except leaving out a few minor details. Your friend needed help and you had to help him, you said. You also promised to meet up with him soon.

You turned around to meet Loki's eyes. You stepped closer to him and put both your hands around his neck, leaving little space between your faces. "Hey." You said, "how are you?"

"I believe I'm doing fantastic right now." He replied. "That's good." You whispered and felt your lips curve into a smile. You kissed him lightly on his lips and pulled away. "And I believe that I'm starving right now." You said. You slowly made your way to the kitchen and made yourself some burnt toast. You didn't mean to burn it, the toaster was just mean.

"Nothing like burnt toast and a disgusting cup of- can you even call this coffee?" You said. You can't say you didn't miss the tower, but you can't say you did miss it. The smell of the different dishes that were made in the kitchen together wasn't pleasant. The cabinets' doors creaked when you opened them. The dirty dishes that were stacked on top of each other that no one had the patience and the will power to wash or the dogs hairs that were lingering around the floor, on the couch, the seats. And you don't even have a dog?

These things bothered you. But, like in any healthy relationship, you push those problems to the back of your head.

You totally enjoyed your meal in Loki's company. You noticed Steve's stare, stuck on you. You smiled at him. You wanted to make up with him. You excused yourself from the table and went towards him as Loki went to his brother, to catch up, to tell him about everything that happened.

"Hey." You started the conversation.

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