Tough Love

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"Jessica!" my mom screeches down the hall. "What do you want now?" I reply with enough force to shatter glass. "Get your ass down here before I throw you out of this house!" 

Oh yeah, you might be wondering why we are screaming at each other. Long story short, I hate my life. My parents abuse me, and I have no friends. Why wouldn't I hate it.

I jump down off of my bed and run down the stairs, careful to not wake up our black lab, Nico, and meet my mom in the kitchen. "Go pack your bags, we sold you." I shake my head, thinking I hadn't heard right. "Why are you standing there? Are you deaf? Go pack your fucking bags!" I run upstairs tears streaming down my cheeks. I knew my mom was low but not this low! I throw everything I own into a bag, (Which isn't very much) and run down the stairs. I run into the car, and my mom revs the engine. She pulls out of our driveway, and onto the freeway, pushing 80. I close my eyes and soon enough, sweet blackness overtakes me.

 This story contains GRAPHIC CONTENT, and is for MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY!!!!! If you can not act mature, do not even bother trying to read this story. I work hard on my stories, and if you can not respect that, again, do not bother to read my books. That being said, I accept comments, and ideas. In fact, please comment. NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you!

Sincerely, Woodruffa391

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