The Mark

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I screamed, threw all my weight to the side, and punched her square on the jaw. Let me tell you how I got here. It might clear up some of the confusion you have.


 After Christian had led me out of my room, he had brought me downstairs, and sat me down. We were in what looked like a cafeteria, but it was big. Bigger than anything I had ever seen. But then again, I hadn't seen much. I was eating some pancakes, and bacon, when this little skinny red head came up to us. "Christian!!!!!!" she squealed. "What the hell do you want? I'm with my luna!" she frowned, and she finally seemed to notice me. "Bitch, you are ugly as Fuck, there is no way you are the Luna!" she screeched at me. It happened so fast I didn't even have time to register what was happening, until she was pinned against the wall, gasping for air. Christian had her pinned against the wall, the veins in his neck popping out. He honestly looked really scary. I didn't want to mess with him, but she was going to die if I didn't do something. I walked over to him, and pulled on his arm. "Don't do it." I told him. His grip loosened, and he turned his back on her. Pulling me with him. The red headed slut had the audacity to mumble "Bitch" under her breath. I lost it. Twirling around, I punched her right in the jaw, knocking her out. Don't ask me how I did it, because I have no idea. I twirled back around, facing a shocked Christian. "I know, you don't have to tell me, I'm a bad bitch." 

Mature Content Ahead!!!!!

Present time

I was currently snuggled up to Christian, and we were watching "Rings." A little girl thing popped out of the t.v., and killed a person. "AHHHHH!' I screamed, burying my face in Christian's chest. I heard him chuckle, and I popped out of the sheets. "Don't make fun of me!" I pouted. He smiled at me, and I began to hit his chest. He tackled me and I giggled. "Christian!" I laughed. He started to tickle me, and I burst into a fit of high pitched giggles. "Ch-Ch- Christian!" I yelled in between my laughs. "Stop it!" He grabbed my hands, and tingles shot up my arms, going all over my body. I threw my head back into a pillow, and my breathing increased. He leaned over me, and started to kiss me, leaving trails all over my neck, and my jawline. I moaned and he stopped. "If we continue, I don't know if I'll be able to control my wolf."  I looked up at him. His eyes were a golden color, and he looked at me with passion, and lust. "You can mark me." I told him. He looked at me. Surprise visible in his lust filled eyes, and he smiled. He brought his lips down on mine, and kissed me. It was filled with passion, love, and need. He moved his head to my neck, and attached his lips to it. I moaned, and  threw my head back. Allowing him more access. He scraped his teeth against my neck, and the spot were he was going to mark me, pulsated against his touch. He growled, and his golden eyes mixed with black. He held my face still, and his teeth came out. Biting into my skin. I screamed, and the agony mixed with ecstasy. I moaned, and he licked my mark, another wave of bliss hit me. I was shaking and I didn't even know why. He laid me on his side, and spooned me.  A wave of exhaustion hit me, and I laid my head against his chest. His arms around me, and me breathing in the amazing smell of citrus and wood, I cuddled up to him. Right before the darkness was about to take me he said it. "I love you Jessica. Forever and always." I smiled. "And I love you. Forever, and always." He relaxed against me, and then, the darkness took both of us.

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