Chapter 1

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It was a dark night in Hannah's bedroom where she was fast asleep. Suddenly, she woke up on hearing footsteps coming out of her bedroom's door. She rose from her bed frightened. "Who's there?" she asked. The footsteps only got louder and louder until it stopped.

A slight knock sounded on Hannah's door. Hannah kept quiet hoping that whatever it is would soon go away even though she knew that it wouldn't. The knock became harder and harder as if it would break the door. "Go away! I have a knife with me!" she cried.

The door broke out crumbled into tiny pieces with fire all around Hannah's room. "Who are you? Just stay away from me!" she curled her eyebrows and wore a worried face. "Don't you remember me?" a voice cried. "Your only brother?" "Jonathan!?" Hannah cried.

Jonathan grabbed Hannah by her throat and said," Don't you remember what you did to your only brother?" he asked. "But I didn't do anything at all." she said. "LIAR!" Jonathan roared. 

Hannah woke up. She found her alarm clock on the ground and saw her hands curled up into fists with her blanket inside. She breathed harder and faster.

Suddenly, her phone rang. "Hello Victor? Nothing I am fine. Can we talk? Thanks." she hung up the phone and got dressed. Later in a coffee shop, "Still bad dreams?" asked Victor. Hannah sighed.

"I don't understand, what did I do to Jonathan?" she said. "Why? What did he say?" asked Victor. "He didn't say anything, he just looked so..angry on me." she said. "Hannah, it's been many days when your brother passed away from the car accident and since then you're getting nightmares." Victor said.

Hannah folded her eyebrows. "That's it Victor. I am going to the Braidwood Manor." Hannah said with courage. "What!? Hannah, it's too dangerous!" cried Victor.

"Victor, this is the only way I can help Jonathan rest in peace. I have to know about life after death. I want to help my brother, at least after he died." she cried.


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