Chapter 2

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Victor kept quiet for a moment and said," Fine, if that's your wish. But you have to allow me to drive you there." he said. "I never knew you'll ask." she said with a smile. In Victor's car, Hannah and Victor talk about the Braidwood Manor's story.

"So, do you think you could tell me the story of the Braidwood Manor?" asked Victor as he drove the car. "Well, the Braidwood Manor was built about a century ago for the Waverley family who was coming from England.

The family had 4 children, two daughters and two sons. One day, William Waverley, that is Mr. Waverley went off to fight in a war." "Let me guess, this is where things start to get ugly." said Victor.

Hannah nodded and continued," When Mr. Waverley came back from war after 3 years, he found his 3 younger children poisoned to death, his eldest daughter, Eleanor Waverley's throat slit and his wife Rose Waverley burned in the fireplace.

Ever since then, reports came that things became really strange." finished Hannah. Victor whistled slowly. "Huh, tragic story. Are you still willing to go there?" he asked.

Hannah was about to answer when suddenly the landscape changed. Barely alive trees with dried leaves on all sides of the empty and silent road. It was snowing all around on the dead ground. "Whoa, there's no sight of any cars here." said Hannah.

"I don't see any reason why there will be cars here on a road that leads them to nothing else but danger and death." said Victor. Hannah laughed. "You know, I have never seen you laugh quite in a while." Victor said. "Yeah, it's been a while." said Hannah. "Hannah, hold your breath.

We reached......The Braidwood Manor." said Victor. Hannah stepped out of Victor's car and stood in front of the mansion speechless. "Seeing the pictures of it and seeing it in's so different.

" said Hannah. "So this is it. Do you need to charge your phone or something?" asked Victor. "No, I charged it before." Hannah said and grabbed her backpack and looked at Victor. "Bye Victor, I 'll see you tomorrow morning I guess.

" she said. "Yeah, I 'll pick you up tomorrow. If you need anything, just dial my number. I 'll come immediately." Victor said and drove away waving her good-bye for the last time.

Hannah waved too and turned towards the Braidwood Manor. "Here I come Braidwood Manor...." sighed Hannah. She carefully stepped on the staircase that was slippery because of the snow.

She entered inside the mansion with her eyes widened looking around. All around were shattered chandeliers and glasses, broken furniture and dusty cobwebs. "I can't believe that everything is still here!" said Hannah. She walked towards the stairs at the left and kept her backpack there.

Suddenly, she thought she heard some soft footsteps. She turned and looked around to find no one. She turned back and shivered noticing that her backpack was missing. "Who's there?" asked Hannah.

She kept quiet for a moment when she saw a little tin soldier, clean and polished, standing at the first step of the stairs.

"Funny, this mansion is about hundred years old and this tin soldier looks like it's been made yesterday!" wondered Hannah. She climbed up the stairs to reach out the soldier when she found many standing in a straight line, leading to somewhere. "This is getting weirder." said Hannah. She walked along the trail of the soldiers until she reached the end of the hall where she found her backpack surrounded by the soldiers. "Should I take it or should I let it be?" thought Hannah.

She reached out her hands for her back staring at the soldiers. "Why are you scared? They're just toys!" a voice said. Hannah screamed and fell on the floor with her eyes shut.

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