Chapter 1: Is This A Good Idea?

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*Disclaimer: I don't own the Avengers.


Level 1, living quarters of Tony Stark

Tony sat on his bed, propped up by a multitude of pillows. He had a book Bruce had let him borrow on micro-engineering in one hand, and an ice cold beer in the other. Of course, Tony was the only one awake at one in the morning after their tiresome Paris mission reading a book in his sad excuse for a room. Tony Stark didn't need sleep, no; all he needed was a nice beer. A book too, a book worked.

After a few more paragraphs, Tony closed the book and threw it in the general direction of the opposite wall. He didn't bother to look up, not caring where it landed. He instead reached over and placed his drink on the nightstand.

There, staring back at him, was the folder. Its manila-ness was bothering Tony. He wanted so badly to open the folder and see what and whom they were dealing with, had wanted to since he first received the folder that morning, but of course he was an egotistical S.O.B. so his pride held him back. He didn't want some young punks to come in and take over his spotlight. Or, dare he say it, be better at the job than he was.

After the battle raging deep inside him subsided, Tony picked up the folder with a sigh. He had already been reprimanded by Director Fury once in the short hours he had been back; he didn't want to try for a second time.



Level 1, living quarters of Bruce Banner

Bruce was sitting up straight on his bed, reading the files on their new "teammates." He was still in his dress clothes. Bruce found himself laughing in amusement as he heard something hit the wall behind him in Tony's room. Probably the book he had let him borrow. After a moment of pondering he resumed reading the files in front of him. As he read further his brows furrowed together. This was not what he had been thinking of when Director Fury said they had a new mission. Despite all his doubts, the more he read about them, the more he wanted to meet these kids. Bruce just wondered how "The Other Guy" would handle it.

'Yay, more stress for me,' he thought, 'so much for a "stress free" environment.'



Level 1, living quarters of Natasha Romanoff

For the last hour or so Natasha had been diving into the folders of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s newest team. She had nothing better to do and sleep was not coming to her easily. She had her doubts about the plan, but the more her eyes skimmed the dossier in front of her, the more she liked what she saw. Fury had put together a helluva team.

They had a deadly accurate assassin like herself, a kid who could wipe memories and crush objects at will, a boy genius who might as well be a walking computer, an intelligent girl with heightened senses who could read your mind and literally hear you coming a mile away, and a boy that was a super strong, super-fast version of Nightcrawler.

Natasha looked forward to meeting them.



Level 1, living quarters of Clint Barton

Clint, like the rest of his comrades, was reading up on these new recruits in his room, analyzing each one like a lab sample. He had tacked pictures of each of the members to his wall for the time being. He wasn't so sure this was a good idea, but S.H.I.E.L.D. hadn't failed him yet.



Level 1, living quarters of Steve Rogers

Unlike the rest of his teammates Steve was sleeping soundly in his room, his feet dangling over the edge of the bed. Steve was a bit more responsible than the other Avengers. He had read the file reports as soon as Director Fury had dismissed them from the conference room earlier that morning.



Level 3, Director Fury's office

Director Fury sat at his desk going over their files one more time. "When are they arriving?" he asked Agent Kelson.

"Today," Kelson paused to check her watch. "They should be here around noon."

"Excellent," Fury said, thinking, "Agent, do you think this is a good idea?"

"Would you like me to answer truthfully or give you false confidence?" she asked as she sat down in a chair in front of his desk.

Fury shot her a look, "Don't sass me," he said looking back down at the papers.

Agent Kelson thought for a moment, choosing her words carefully, "Yes sir, I do. I think this might actually work."

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