Chapter 2: Don't, 'aye, aye sir,' me

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Landing Deck

Director Fury and Agent Kelson waited anxiously on the landing deck of the helicarrier. Kelson was checking and double checking her clipboard whilst nervously chewing the top of her pen. Fury remained the embodiment of calm. Their newly assembled team was due to arrive any minute. The Avengers were out on the landing deck as well, standing in a circle talking to the left of the director and agent.

Fury took out a pair of binoculars and scanned the sky for the fifth time in ten minutes. Finally, he found what he was looking for. Lowering his binoculars, he called out to the Avengers. "Here come your new friends."

The seven of them walked eagerly towards the descending aircraft and stopped short as it sped down the runway. As it came to a stop the team was practically climbing the walls in anticipation. After what felt like forever, the back door opened and the new team emerged.

The Avengers were surprised by how young the group looked in person, but they knew how dangerous each one was and were not going to underestimate them. They were silently attempting to see if they could match the names they had read in the file to the newcomers' faces.

Each recruit was carrying a small duffle bag either slung over their shoulder or dragging on the ground. They were also equipped with a standard black S.H.I.E.L.D. issued backpack. They were all wearing civilian clothes, standard jeans and a t-shirt with boots and a jacket. That would all change soon. Director Fury caught Tony smirking. He was thinking about how all new recruits had to wear the ugly, grey, tight, uncomfortable S.H.I.E.L.D. training uniforms to signify they were rookies.

As the team walked nearer to Fury he could see that most of them had wide eyes and big smiles on their faces. He let them enjoy it for now. Poor suckers didn't know what they were in for.

They all stopped in front of the Avengers and become uncomfortable. Should they salute? Stand at attention? Bow? Get on their knees and kowtow? Thankfully Director Fury solved the problem for them by speaking up.

"Good afternoon recruits, I hope you all had a nice relaxing ride over here. You're not getting another one for a long time, he smirked. "Now, my friends over here," he gestured to the Avengers, "will show you to your rooms. Get settled, and then meet me in the conference room on Level 3 for a debriefing later on."

The new team dutifully nodded toward the director, and then tried to keep up with the Avengers who were already halfway towards the door. After a short sprint they caught up. The rest of the walk to their room was silent. The air was so thick with tension that a knife couldn't cut through. Natasha finally broke it:

"I guess I'll be the mature one here and make introductions," she said briskly as they walked. "We know everything about you, and you probably know everything about us, but for the sake of manners let's pretend we don't. My name is Natasha Romanoff." She was greeted with a few 'nice to meet you's', "and I'm a spy for the Russian government, or was."

The other avengers caught on that she would help them no further, so Bruce spoke up next, adjusting his glasses before speaking. "Hello…friends…my name is Bruce Banner. I'm just a lab experiment gone wrong." He received the same response.

Tony took the spotlight next. "Tony Stark- Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Oh yeah, I'm Iron Man too." Tony was met with a few 'heys' from the guys.

Clint stepped up to the plate with a speedy introduction. "My name's Clint Barton, aka Hawkeye. Or Legolas as some call me." He glared at Stark.

Lastly Steve spoke up. "My name's Steve Rogers and I'm Captain America. I'm still not used to this century after 70 years of being frozen in ice. Maybe you kids can help me with picking some things up."

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