John Questman

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Name: John Questman

Nicknames: Mr. Quest, Quest, and Uncle Quest.

Age: 32

Gender: male

Species: human

Height: 6' foot

Hair color: brown

Hair length: short

Hair style: slicked back

Likes: his friends and family, doing stupid stuff, telling stories that may or may not be true, food that isn't healthy, cigars, strong alcohol, Mary Kay (his gun), flying, and fighting.

Dislikes: food that is healthy, doctors, drugs, heights, Nazis, and nonbelievers in aliens.

Personality: weird, brave, smart but appears dumb, looks straight out of the mid 40's, somehow honorable, has his moments of giving actual good advice, spontaneous, and is easily amused.

Clothes: Brown dress shoes, tan dress pants, a classic brown aviators jacket, and gold aviator sun glasses

Weapon: black and gold 1911 (Mary Kay)

Short backstory:
Nobody really knows, when or where Questman came from, but his story constantly changes, it goes from; being raised by wolves, to being abducted by aliens. But what everybody does know about him, is that he's a natural born bad-a**, knowing more than a dozen fighting styles, and being a dead eye with his favorite black and gold 1911 pistol, which he named Mary Kay, nobody has really ever gotten to know Questman better than the infamous Cowboy Kid (Cowboy Kid belongs to cowboykid110) which he considers to be like a son to him.

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