Miranda Wrights

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Name: Miranda Wrights

Age: 24

Gender: female

Species: human

Height: 5'5"

Hair color: white

Hair length: reaches the middle of her back

Hair style: braided pony tail

Eye color: crimson

Personality: fun, friendly, caring, brave, respectful, and very loving (if ya know what I mean)

Clothing: work: a female officers uniform. Casual: a trucker hat, work jeans, a flannel with rolled up sleeves, a white tanktop she wears under the flannel, brown work boots, and a pair of aviators. (A/N: I really, REALLY, like aviators!)

Weapon: HK45 (Police handgun)

Description: Miranda Wrights, a farm girl with an attitude, is byfar the best cop on the police force, although she has tried for the A.C. (Aohagane Corps (owned by cowboykid110)) she never met there standards, so she settled with being a police officer.
But on her ranch she is a completely different person, always caring for her horses, cattle, and goats; which really shows her very kind and caring side, compared to how she treats the criminals who have disobeyed the law.

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