[28] Depressed smiles :)

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Ever heard about a depressed smiley face? 
Cuz how is it possible right? 
But maybe the smile is just a mask on the face
To make it feel like its so bright!

Maybe that face goes through torture everyday, 
Through people who don't understand it at all,
Them who only see the others pay,
And think that his pain is so small.

That face,  oh that face struggles to not only breathe,
But to portray a smile every moment,
Who tries to put behind him, however they treat,
And never let's you see that his smile is bent.

Even after all this, smiling people come to it and say,
Oh my God,  your life is exactly like a smiling emoticon
And it tears up his his little heart made of clay,
But it puts up a smile again by the dawn.



Say hello to quick updates :)
BTW guys u got to give me good response if u like it to encourage me!

Ly all ❤💖

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