Chapter 5

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3rd POV

Betty rushed towards Jughead. When she found him he was crying in front of the man that showed them to their room. She rushed over to Jughead and hugged him as he sobbed into her chest. She started to feel like she was going to cry because of his state. Then she heard footsteps of her friends and the other people she still doesn't know the names of.

Jughead's friends all crowded behind them. London, Bailey, and Zack all hated seeing their best friend and brother in a depressed state all because of them. "Shhh it's going to be ok Jug" Betty says to him as she rubs his fuzzy denim jacket while Archie was patting his back. "Why this hotel of all places" Jughead says in a barely audible voice to Betty. "I'm so sorry Jug, for everything" Betty apologizes and all of his friends go over and hug. Usually Jughead hates physical interaction but right now he doesn't mind. "It's not your fault Betts" he says. "we really are sorry Co-Jughead" Bailey says. Jughead looks up at his old friends and even though he didn't think he could cry anymore tears started to spill out of his eyes.

"Why did you do it" Jughead asked while lifting his head out of Betty's chest to look at Bailey and Zack. "We-" Zack started but Bailey intervened "We did it because we were drunk. We went to the bar to see Maya. She wanted to get back together with Zack so he asked me to go with him. They got back together and then we all got drunk. Zack that I was Maya and I thought Zack was you!" Bailey said with streams running down her face. Jughead stood up leaving his friends and hugged Zack, Bailey, and London. "I missed you guys" Jughead said to them as they hugged back "We missed you too" London said. "Thanks for taking care of them for London" Jughead said "Well after I graduated I went to college and a lot smarter" London said. "How is mom?" Jughead asked to Zack. "She wasn't so well but now she is better" Zack said with a smile.

"How is Ms.Tutweiller Mr.Mosby?" Jughead asked "She is pregnant with our first child" Mr.Mosby said "That's great Mr.Mosby" Jughead with a smile. "Guys meet my friends Archie, Veronica, Kevin, and my girlfriend Betty" Jughead said "And everyone else meet my friends London, Bailey, Mr.Mosby, and my twin Zack." he said as he pointed to each person. After that they all walk back to room 2330 and as they entered all the memories started flooding back into Jughead's head and he let out a small smile.

Here is the next part! Sorry it took so long. I hope you all enjoyed this part and I hope you guys are liking the book so far.

Lots of love


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