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When the pair of then returned to the clearing Jacob was gone. Bella and Edward stood near the tent, gazing out at the view below them. Ellis to feel tension in the air and chose to stand a few feet away. He and Seth perched on a bolder over looking the cliff. The wind blowing through their hair as they sat in silent companionship, Bella and Edward talking to themselves a distance away. Ellis chose to ignore their voices, not interested in their relationship problems.

A slither of sun broke through the grey clouds, lighting up his face. Closing his eyes, Ellis savoured the slight warmth and folded himself into a relaxed position, crossing his legs and leaning back on his hands. Seth turned his massive head and watched as Ellis' skin sparkled slightly under the weak light. The boy looked almost human relaxed like that. Seth though he looked beautiful but he could see the coiled muscle in his figure and knew that the relaxed position was just an act.

A disturbance in the pack link sent Seth stiffening, turning his head back towards the view as if to see down to where the others were waiting. Ellis sat up, opening his eyes as he felt the other move. Edward's voice drifted over the snow. "It's starting".

All of a sudden Ellis was hit with a burning fear. Before this it hadn't really sunk in what he was doing. He was betraying Victoria, betraying his saviour. The one who had taught him. And that was going to get others killed. He glanced towards Seth. The golden wolf was gazing down the cliff, fur ruffling in the wind as he listened to his pack mates. The sullen sun glinted on the golden hairs of his fur, making it shine slightly like burnished gold.This could get him killed.

"Ellis", Edward was next to him. He hadn't even notice the man move. He leaned down, voice soft to his ear, quieter than the others could hear. "Ellis don't be afraid. No matter what you did, this would still have happened. It's not your fault". Edward paused, listening to the pack link via Seth and noting Ellis' continuing downwards spiral. Ellis had not truly spoken to the older vampire since their first meeting, preferring to keep his distance. There was a sharp edge of distrust pointed towards Edward, bubbling with anger and slight betrayal. Ellis values privacy and Edward's gift goes directly against that, so sue him for not liking the other Male.

"Listen", Edward said slightly harder but still reassuringly. Ellis turned his head to meet his gold eyes with his own red ones with slight annoyance. "I never apologised for what I said the other day. It was wrong for me to blurt out your past like that. Victoria has done some terrible things to you and it was incredibly unfeeling of me to expose that. I am sorry. I will not excuse my behaviour but I apologise for invading your privacy and making you feel weak", the bronze haired male spoke slightly sheepishly.

Ellis mulled the word over in his head. Debating the meaning behind Edward's words. Even though he had laughed it off at the time, Edward's exposure of his rape and continuous invasion of his thoughts had been very hurtful. They had made him feel small and inferior, like he was dirty and violated. Not even Victoria had made him feel so wrong.

"Although I joked about it there was no need", Ellis spoke, voice hard with thinly veiled anger. "I have no idea what Bella sees in you. But I understand your want to protect your coven. So I suppose that I'll forgive you since you can't block it but that does not make us friends. I will not forget this. I am not part of your coven and you do that again then I'll be truly angry", he warned. Edward nodded, taking in the look in Ellis' eyes  and retreated back to where Bella was waiting anxiously.

Ellis watched as the human female placed a hand on her mate's arm. She asked him something, wondering if Ellis has been okay with the apology. Of course she had been the one who had made Edward do it. He should of known. With a sharp turn of his head, Ellis surveyed the forest below, moving to stand next to Seth's shoulder. The wolf nudged him slightly with his head and Ellis got the feeling that Seth had heard everything. Never mind being quiet.

The two of them stood for a while, watching the landscape as the sun peeked further out over the snowy mountain, blocking out sounds of talking between Bella and Edward behind them. It was then that Seth suddenly started. He lifted his head up as his ears pricked forward with alertness. Ellis tightened his muscles, shooting a look towards Edward who nodded.

"It has began".

AN: in my character book, Into the Fray, I have uploaded a page on Ellis if you want to know more about him. So check that out. Sorry to all you Edward lovers but Edward is not perfect in my book. He has the power to read minds which personally, would make him pretty lax when it comes to other peoples privacy. Not to excuse him or anything but the guy had practically no boundaries with anyone other than with Bella, as she is the only one he can't read. So sorry but Edward is a twat in this book, along with quite a few other characters. Deal with it.

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